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Inland CHP

US > California > San Bernardino (County) [Los Angeles]

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Inland CHP

Copper (39.26 MHz), Blue-1, CHP AM airband channels. Covers mountains, and SB Valleys. E. of I-15, North of Riverside & the Cajon Pass. Caltrans [CT] streamed when weather conditions exist. Status CT=OFF
Public Safety
8     Online


Feed Notes

CHP Copper, Blue-1 & CHP AM Airband Channels - sometimes shared with firefighting aircraft.

Note: Transmissions heard on "Channel 2" are direct car-car traffic transmitted on the output of the repeater.  It is not a separate TAC channel.

Barstow WHITE -- when monitored -- is 42.56B and 46.72M.  Airband channels are 123.025, 123.425 and 123.85 occasionally.

COZEEP: Construction Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program

MAZEEP: Highway Maintenance Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program