Anne Arundel Radio Club |
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Anne Arundel Radio Club This the Anne Arundel Radio Club repeater on 147.075 MHz. It is no longer linked to the 147.105 repeater in South county It is located in Crownsville, Maryland. The main transmit/receive site is in Crownsville, Maryland. It is on a tower at a height |
Amateur Radio
0 | Online |
This the Anne Arundel Radio Club repeater on 147.075 MHz PL 107.2
The transmitter is located in Crownsville, Maryland. it is running a motorola voter system
It is on a tower at a height of over 500 feet above sea level.
There are receive site at these locatons around Anne Arundel County
Solly Road
Greenbury Point
This feed is on a raspberryPi5 running darkice with a Beofeng handheld