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Long Beach Police Dispatch

US > California > Los Angeles (County) [Los Angeles]

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Long Beach Police Dispatch

Streaming: Long Beach PD: South Dispatch, West Dispatch, East Dispatch, North Dispatch, Signal Hill PD Dispatch
Public Safety
66     Online


Feed Notes

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Uniden: BCT15X

Frequencies Monitored:

Long Beach PD:

South Dispatch

West Dispatch

East Dispatch

North Dispatch

Signal HIll PD

How to Understand Long Beach Police Designators:

Example: 3 Boy 22

3 Denotes North Division

Boy Denotes Day Watch

22 Denotes Beat Number

* Note this refers to regular patrol units. Special units like sergeants do not follow this example.

List of Known Long Beach Police Designators:

1 South Division

2 East Division

3 North Division

4 West Division

Adam: Graveyard Watch

Boy: Day Watch

Charlie: Afternoon/Evening Watch

Adam Paul: Airport Unit

David Edward: Directed Enforcement

EDWARD: 30s - 50s are Lieutenants Below 30s are Commanders

Fox2: Helicopter

KING: K9 Unit

Lincoln: Lab Unit

Lincoln Adam: LBCC LAC Campus Officer

Mary Paul: Marine Patrol

Mary George: Pine Ave. Units (Usually at night)

Met: Mental Health Officer

Metro: Blue Line Officer

Paul Charlie: LBCC PCC Campus Officer

PR: Park Rangers

Sam: Sergeant

TOM:     Traffic
      9T10 Parking Control
      9T15 DUI Traffic Enforcement
      9T5x Motorcycle Units

Zebra: SWAT Unit

10 Codes:

10-1   Receiving poorly      

10-2   Receiving well                        

10-3 Stop transmitting 
10-4 O.K
10-5 Relay
10-6 Busy 
10-7 Out of service 
10-8 In service
10-9 Repeat 
10-10 Out of service, subj to call
10-11 Transmitting too rapidly 
10-13 Advise weather and road condition


Penal codes:

187 Murder 

207 Kidnapping 

211 Robbery 

217 Attempt Murder 

240 Assault 

242 Battery 

245 Assualt w/ Deadly Weapon 

245A-2 ADW - Firearm 

261 Rape 

262A Rape - Spouse 

278.5 Child Abduction 

314.1 Gambling 

390 Drunk 

407A Unlawful Assembly 

415-1 Fight/Child Fight 

415-2 Disturbance/Loud Noise 

415-3 Offensive Words in Public 

415 Disturbance 

415F Disturbance - Family 

415G Disturbance - Gang Activity 

415J Disturbance - Juveniles 

416 Refuse to Disperse 

417A-1 Exhibit Deadly Weapon 

417A-2 Exhibit Deadly Weapon Firarm 

417A Person with Knife 

417B Barricaded Suspect 

451 Arson 

459 Burglary 

459/A Burglary - Auto 

459A Burglary Alarm - Audible 

459/R Burglary - Residential 

459S Burglary Alarm - Silent 

470 Forgery 

480 Hit and Run - Felony 

481 Hit and Run - Misdemeanor 

483 Hit and Run - Parked Vehicle 

484/M Theft Person Property 

487.1 Theft Grand - Property 

487.2 Grand Theft from Person 

487-3/A Grand Theft Auto 

488 Petty Theft (Shoplift) 

496. Receiving Stolen Property 

502 Drunk Driver - Misdemeanor 

503 Vehicle Theft 

504 Tampering with Auto 

538D Impersonate Peace Officer

586 Illegal Parking

594 Vandalism 

594.5A Defacing Property

597 Cruelty to Animals

602 Trespassing

604 Throwing Objects

647A D/C Lewd Act

647B D/C Prostitution

647C Begging

647D Loiter Toilet

901N Ambulance Needed

901S Sick/Injured Person EMS Disp.

901T Traffic Collision - EMS Disp.

902 Person Sick/Injured

902A Attempt Suicide

902N Traffic Accident - No Injuries

902R Rescue Responding

904 Fire

905A Abuse to Animals

905D Dead Animal

905N Noisy Animal

905S Stray Animal

905V Vicious Animal

909A Hot Wires Down

909S Safety Hazard

909T Traffic Hazard

917A Abandoned Auto

917S Suspicious Auto

920 Missing Person

920C Missing Child

920F Found Child

921 Prowler

923 Illegal Shooting

925A Person acting Suspicious Auto

926 Tow Truck needed

927 Suspicious Circumstance

927H 911 Hangup

928 Found Property

928L Lost Property

929 Person Down

996 Explosion

996T Bomb Threat

997 Officer Needs Help

998 Officer Request Assistance (Officer involved shooting)

999 Officer Needs Help Urgently

5150 Involuntary psychiatric hold (Mentally ill person)

5149½ (Slang/ unofficial) Crazy, difficult to deal with person but not enough to take into protective custody.