Charlotte Area NS/CSX Rail |
Listen | Feed | Genre | Listeners | Player Selection | Links | Status |
Charlotte Area NS/CSX Rail Norfolk Southern and CSX train & dispatcher communications in the Charlotte, NC area including the Washington, DC to Atlanta, GA main line, NC R Line, NC O Line, and CSX Florence Division Charlotte Subdivision. |
0 | Online |
Live railroad radio feed from receiver hosted in Charlotte, NC near the 381 milepost. Feed will be scanning Norfolk Southern frequencies for traffic along its mainline, R-Line, and O-Line as well as CSX frequencies for its Charlotte Subdivision.
Part of the Carolina Rail Feed Association Feed Network. Learn more at Our Website.
Norfolk Southern Charlotte District Road | - 160.950 Mhz | AAR056 |
Norfolk Southern Charlotte District Ch 2 | - 160.310 Mhz | AAR080 |
Norfolk Southern Columbia District Road | - 160.905 Mhz | AAR033 |
Norfolk Southern Columbia District Ch 2 | - 160.515 Mhz | AAR090 |
Norfolk Southern Asheville District Road | - 160.830 Mhz | AAR048 |
Norfolk Southern Asheville District Ch 2 | - 160.410 Mhz | AAR020 |
CSXT Charlotte Sub Road | - 160.590 Mhz | AAR032 |
CSXT Charlotte Sub FC Dispatcher | - 160.995 Mhz | AAR059 |
Aberdeen Carolina and Western RR | - 160.680 Mhz | AAR038 |
379.8 (Berryhill) |
390.4 (South Fork) |
402.6 (Arlington) |
R13.1 (Black) |
SF337.4 (Thrift) |
SF317.4 (Matthews) |
NS North - Concord Radio Feed
NS South - Gastonia Radio Feed
NS R-Line South - Columbia Radio Feed
CSX North - Monroe Radio Feed
CSX South - Lynn Gap CSX Radio Feed
CSX Bostic Yard - Bostic Yard Radio Feed
NS Intermodal - NS Intermodal Yard Feed