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Jefferson County Police and Fire

US > Kansas > Jefferson (County)

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Jefferson County Police and Fire

Listen to Police / Sheriff / Fire / Ems for ALL of Jefferson County Kansas.
Public Safety
15     Online


Feed Notes

I am Greg Nichols ( Feed Provider Since 2011 ) My scanner will be broadcasting  ( 2 ) channels/talk groups, the first one will be sheriff / police and the second will be fire / ems.  Located in ( Jefferson County Kansas )

The live audio feed is being provided by my ( HOMEPATROL-II Simple Program Scanner )

There can be long periods of silence sometimes because after all there are only 19,000 people in all of Jefferson county Kansas but rest assured if the STATUS of the live internet audio feed shows ONLINE and is the color GREEN everything is working properly.


10-1   Receiving poorly
10-2   Receiving well
10-3   Stand-by
10-4   Acknowledgement(Yes or OK)
10-5   Relay
10-6   Busy, stand-by
10-7   Out of service (off duty)
10-8   In service (on duty)
10-9   Repeat
10-10  Out of svc. subject to call(meal break)
10-11  Stay in service
10-12  Visitors present
10-13  Weather & road conditions
10-14  Convoy or escort
10-15  Have prisoner in custody
10-16  Pick up prisoner/papers
10-17  Nothing for you (checking your status)
10-18  Anything for us?
10-19  Return to station
10-20  Location
10-21  Call ____ by phone
10-22  Disregard
10-23  Arrived at scene
10-24  Finished with assignment
10-25  Have contact with ?
10-26  Holding subject
10-27  Driver's license info
10-28  Vehicle registration info
10-29  Check for wanted or stolen

10-30  Does not conform
10-31  Emergency basis 10-11
10-32  Chase, all units stand-by
10-33  Emergency traffic
10-34  Trouble at ______ all units respond
10-35  Major crime, blockade
10-36  No further assistance needed
10-37  No rush (Silent run)
10-38  Urgent (emergency lights)
10-39  Emergency (light & siren)

10-40  Fatality
10-41  Send wrecker to ____
10-42  Officer ____ at home
10-43  Meet ____ at ____
10-44  Investigate(stop) vehicle
10-45  Investigate veh. & occupant
10-46  Investigate drunk driver
10-47  Auto accident (property damage)
10-48  Auto accident (personal injury)
10-49  Ambulance

10-50  Message for local delivery via P.S.
10-51  Any answer our number?
10-52  Item number for assignment
10-53  Unable to copy phone
10-54  Stand-by for TWX
10-55  Request permission to call _____ or use ch______
10-56  Next message number?
10-57  Repeat dispatch
10-58  Do you dispatch _______?
10-59  Need radio service
10-60  Tower lights burned out
10-61  Repeat & transmit slower
10-62  Repeat & speak louder
10-64  Net clear
10-65  Clear for item
10-66  Clear for cancellation
10-67  Clear for net message

10-68  Give me a test
10-69  Test with no modulation
10-70  Test intermittantly with no modulation for ____ minutes
10-71  Test constantly with tone
10-72  Advise signal strength
10-73  Advise on audio quality
10-74  Audio quality good
10-75  Stand-by you are causing interference
10-76  Signal choppy
10-77  No contact at all
10-78  Transmitter quality poor
10-79  Transmit on alternate frequency

10-80  Pick up partner
10-81  Meet victim or complainant
10-82  Stopping suspicious vehicle
10-83  Road blocked at _____
10-84  Personnel in area
10-85  Fire alarm at _____
10-86  Advise correct time
10-87  Pistol range
10-88  Advise public service # for ____ officer number____
10-89  Caution
10-90  Crime in progress
10-91  Break-in in progress
10-92  Armed robbery in progress
10-93  Bank alarm at ______
10-94  Bomb threat at ______
10-95  Fight in progress at ____
10-96  Prowler report at _____
10-97  Domestic problem at ______
10-98  Riot or mass disturbance
10-99  Jail break at _____

SIGNAL 1  Armed & dangerous
SIGNAL 2  Resists arrest
SIGNAL 3  Mental
SIGNAL 4  Suicidal
SIGNAL 5A Known offender felony
SIGNAL 5B Known offender midsemeanor
SIGNAL 5C Known offender traffic
SIGNAL 5D Known offender drug
SIGNAL 5S Known offender sex
SIGNAL 6  Intelligence subject
SIGNAL 7  Snipers in area
SIGNAL 8  Arsonist in area
SIGNAL 9  Wanted - felony
SIGNAL 10 Wanted - misdemeanor
SIGNAL 11 Property or vehicle reported stolen
SIGNAL 12 Bomb explosion at ____
SIGNAL 13 Officer needs help

CODE 1  White male
CODE 2  White female
CODE 3  Black male
CODE 4  Black female
CODE 5  Hispanic male
CODE 6  Hispanic female
CODE 7  Asian male
CODE 8  Asian female