Washington County Fire - Zone 3 |
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Washington County Fire - Zone 3 (((Stereo Feed))) Left Channel = Monongahela City Fire (UHF) | Right Channel = Zone 3 Fire + Ops (VHF). If "LOCAL" in alert then Full Ops Channels are available and will be heard from the Fireground. |
Public Safety
17 | Online |
Left Channel = Monongahela City Fire (UHF)
Right Channel = Zone 3 Fire (VHF)
Washington County PA (Mon Valley Area) NO EMS! and NO POLICE!
Zone 3 Fire Channels to be Broadcast:
"Washington Zone 3 Fire (Mon Valley Area) and All Fire Ground channels with Monongahela City Fire"
151.347500 - Washington Fire - Zone 3 Fire Dispatch (Right Channel)
153.830000 - Washington Fire - Fire Ground 1 (Right Channel)
158.917500 - Washington Fire - Fire Ground 2 (Right Channel)
153.080000 - Washington Fire - Fire Ground 3 (Right Channel)
471.087500 - Monongahela City Fire (Left Channel)
This will be Zone 3 Fire area only - NO EMS or POLICE (Mon Valley Area FIRE Only!).
Zone 3 Fire also includes Monongahela City Fire but they are on their own channel in the UHF band and Zone 3 Fire channels are on VHF-Hi.
Fire Stations/Area Covered By This Broadcast:
Allenport VFD - STA:40
Bentleyville VFD - STA:11
California VFD - STA:23
Carroll VFD - STA:63
Charleroi VFD - STA:33
Denbo Vista 6 VFD - STA:19
Donora VFD - STA:66
East Bethlehem VFD - STA:15
Ellsworth VFD - STA:38
Elrama VFD - STA:24
Fallowfield VFD - STA:47
Finleyville VFD - STA:26
Lock Four VFD -STA:22
Mariana VFD -STA:67
Monongahela VFD - STA:62
New Eagle VFD -STA:14
Richeyville VFD - STA:27
Roscoe VFD - STA:16
Stockdale VFD - STA:17
Valley Inn VFD - STA:46
West Brownsville VFD - STA:61
Equipment Used:
Uniden Bearcat BCD996T Scanner with USB cable.
ST2 Antenna mounted at 37' on a tower.
Angle Linear PHEMT (GaAs FET) Preamplifier.
Windows 7 Pro, Intel Core2 Quad 2.66GHz with 8GB of Ram.
(DSP) Audio Processing.