Bay County Law Enforcement |
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Bay County Law Enforcement | Public Safety
2 | Online |
This feed is the dispatch and announce talkgroups of the local law enforecement agencies of Bay County, FL.
The Radio system in Bay County, FL is a trunked 800mhz P25 system operating on the following frequencies; 854.3625, 854.5125, 854.8875, 855.1375, 855.6625, 855.6875, 856.1625, 856.3125, 856.7375, 856.7625, 857.2625, and 857.2875 with all frequencies having control capabilities.
The following departments talkgroups are the subject of this feed.- Bay County Sheriff, Panama City Police Department, Panama City Beach Police Department, and Lynn Haven Police Department with the following talk groups being broadcast; 1000 BCSO SO Announce, 1001 BCSO SO Primary, 1020 BCSO Muni Disp, 6000 LHPD Announce, 6001 LHPD 1 Dispatch, 4000 PCBPD ANNC, 4001 PCBPD DISP, 3000 PCPD ANNOUNCE, 3001 PCPD Dispatch