Elbert County Fire Agencies |
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Elbert County Fire Agencies Elbert County Colorado Fire Agencies Agate Fire, Simla - Big Sandy Fire, Elbert Fire, Elizabeth Fire Rescue, Kiowa Fire, North Central Fire, and Rattlesnake Fire |
Public Safety
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This feed is for Elbert County Colorado Fire Agencies only and include Agate Fire Protection District (290), Simla - Big Sandy Fire Protection District (210), Elbert Fire Protection District (230), Elizabeth Fire Rescue (270), Kiowa Fire Protection District (220), North Central Fire Protection District (240), and Rattlesnake Fire Protection District (250).
Broadcasting the following talkgroups:
"Douglas County FD 1" - Dispatch, Routine radio traffic between units and dispatchers (TG-1053)
"Elbert CO FD 1" - Tactical incident scene operations (TG-519)
"Elbert CO FD 2" - Tactical incident scene operations (TG-520)
"Elbert CO FD 3" - Tactical incident scene operations (TG-515)
"Elbert CO FD 4" - Tactical incident scene operations (TG-516)
"Elbert CO FD 5" - Tactical incident scene operations (TG-526)
"Elbert CO FD 6" - Tactical incident scene operations (TG-517)
"Elbert CO FD 7" - Tactical incident scene operations (TG-518)
"Elbert CO FD 8" - Tactical incident scene operations (TG-521)
Elbert County Fire Agencies include Agate Fire Protection District (290), Simla - Big Sandy Fire Protection District (210), Elbert Fire Protection District (230), Elizabeth Fire Rescue (270), Kiowa Fire Protection District (220), North Central Fire Protection District (240), and Rattlesnake Fire Protection District (250) service Elbert County Colorado. Agencies are dispatched by the Douglas County Regional Dispatch Center in Douglas County Colorado. Elbert County agencies operate on the Colorado DTRS system. Talkgroups are shared across all of the agenices.