Amatuer radio club repeater that is located in New Berlin, WI. Coverage is around Southeastern Wisconsin. When severe weather is present in the Milwaukee metro area, there will be possible active weather net controlled by MASA.
Amateur Radio
Feed Notes
Westside Radio Club - W9WRC - 440.200 MHz - Repeater is located in New Berlin, WI. Wednesday evenings, at 8 PM, there is a "round table" net. Anyone that is as an amateur radio operator is welcome to join in.
Milwaukee Area Skywarn Association (MASA) uses this frequency to gather reports from NWS trained weather spotters within the surrounding area when severe weather is present in Southeastern Wisconsin. A weather net will usually be pre-determined when they will be performed. Weather nets are typically announced on this repeater withinthe coming hour of severe weather moving into the coverage area. Always have multiple sources for severe weather.
This feed is using a Raspberry Pi 3 running BCFY Pi image streaming audio from a Realistic Pro-2021 desktop scanner. The scanner feed location is private.