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Chesapeake Police Department

US > Virginia > Chesapeake (City) [Norfolk-Newport News-Va Beach]

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Chesapeake Police Department

Chesapeake Police Department's dispatch and precincts 1-5.
Public Safety
10   Online


Feed Notes

Technical Notes

The radio signals are received via a software-defined radio connected to a Raspberry Pi. OP25 is used to decode the P25 signal.

Broadcasting several of the City of Chesapeake's Police Department talk groups.

Talk Groups

Talkgroup 301- Dispatch, Talkgroup 303 1st/5th Precinct. Talkgroup 331 2nd Precinct, Talkgroup 305 3rd/4th Precinct, Talkgroup 357-Park Rangers


1/6/2024 Initially used a "no name" software-defined radio (SDR) for reception.  Experienced several problems with the radio's stability. Changed to an RTL-SDR V3. Stability and performance immediately increased.

1/9/2024 Offline due to power surge

1/11/2024 Feed restored

1/25/2024 UPS Failure, related to 1/9/2024 issue

1/27/2028 Replaced UPS, feed restored

6/4/2024 13:48 Troubleshooting no audio

6/4/2024 14:08 Feed restored. Control frequency issue.

6/22/2024 20:40 troubleshooting no audio

6/22/2024 20:57 Feed restored. System did not recover properly from power outage on 6/21/2024

8/6/2024 23:56 Audio feed offline

8/7/2024 9:35 Audio feed restored