Monongalia County Fire and EMS |
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![]() Mon County Fire, EMS, Morgantown Fire, and TAC channels. Uses SDR technology so that you don't miss a single transmission, even if multiple channels are talking at once. |
Public Safety
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SDRTrunk running an Airspy R2 SDR listening to the Morgantown tower on the WV SIRN P25 system.
Mon Co FD Dispatch TG 301
Mon Co EMS Dispatch TG 305
Morgantown Fire Dispatch TG 303
Mon County Fire TAC 1, 2, 3, and 4 TG 333, 335, 337, 339
Mon Co EMS Event channels mostly used during WVU games.
Due to this feed using SDR technology, you will not miss a single piece of communication. Even when multiple channels are talking at the same time, the software is able to record all of them and play them in chronological order.
Fire Companies:
Company 1 - Morgantown City Fire - Southside Station
Company 2 - Morgantown City Fire - Norwood Station
Company 3 - Morgantown City Fire - Northside Station
Companies 4-6 - Morgantown City Fire - Reserve Engines
Company 11 - Blacksville VFD
Company 12 - Brookhaven VFD
Company 13 - Scotts Run/Cassville VFD
Company 14 - Cheat Lake VFD
Company 15 - Clinton District VFD
Company 16 - Cool Springs VFD
Company 17 - Granville Fire Department
Company 19 - River Road VFD
Company 20 - Star City VFD
Company 21 - Triune Halleck VFD
Company 22 - Wadestown VFD
Company 23 - Westover VFD
Company 24 - Hazmat
EMS Stations:
Station 60 - Monongalia County EMS