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Platte County Law Enforcement

US > Nebraska > Platte (County)

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 Platte County Law Enforcement

NE State Radio System: Platte County Sheriff Dispatch (51000), NSP Troop B (3079), and B-ROC (50010-50014) talkgroups.
Public Safety
3   Online


Feed Notes

This feed includes all unencrypted Platte County law dispatch channels as well as NSP Troop B dispatch and B-ROC channels.

Below is a list of the most frequently used 10 codes. Please note this list may not be accurate, and feed provider is not liable for inaccurate data



10-01 to 10-50 Assumed Meaning 10-51 to 10-100 Assumed Meaning
10-01 Unreadable 10-51 ---
10-02 (I read you) Loud and Clear 10-52 Traffic Stop
10-03 --- 10-53 ---
10-04 Okay; Clear; Received 10-54 Urgent (Police) Response
10-05 --- 10-55 Fire Services
10-06 Busy/Unavailable 10-56 Ambulance/Rescue Services
10-07 Out of Vehicle/On Handheld 10-57 ---
10-08 Finished with Last Call 10-58 ---
10-09 Repeat Last Traffic/Message 10-59 ATTENTION ALL UNITS
10-10 Lunch Break 10-60 Driver License Records Check
10-11 --- 10-61 ---
10-12 Passenger in Vehicle 10-62 Disabled Vehicle
10-13 Weather Alert 10-63 ---
10-14 --- 10-64 ---
10-15 Person in Custody 10-65 Deceased (Person/Animal)
10-16 --- 10-66 ---
10-17 --- 10-67 ---
10-18 --- 10-68 ---
10-19 --- 10-69 Pursuit
10-20 --- 10-70 ---
10-21 --- 10-71 Burglar Alarm
10-22 Cancel/Disregard 10-72 Shots Fired
10-23 --- 10-73 Suicidal Person
10-24 --- 10-74 Be On The Lookout For
10-25 (Phone) Contact with Party 10-75 ---
10-26 --- 10-76 Out of Service/Off Duty
10-27 --- 10-77 Unable to Locate
10-28 --- 10-78 For Your Info Only
10-29 Warrants Check 10-79 ---
10-30 --- 10-80 ---
10-31 --- 10-81 ---
10-32 --- 10-82 Lights/Sirens Active
10-33 Emergency (Tones/Traffic) 10-83 ---
10-34 Domestic/Civil Dispute 10-84 ---
10-35 Active Warrant 10-85 ---
10-36 --- 10-86 ---
10-37 --- 10-87 ---
10-38 --- 10-88 ---
10-39 Vehicle Registration Check 10-89 Requesting Assistance
10-40 Mental Health Issues 10-90 ---
10-41 In Service/On Duty 10-91 ---
10-42 --- 10-92 ---
10-43 --- 10-93 ---
10-44 Accident - NO Injuries 10-94 ---
10-45 Accident - WITH Injuries 10-95 ---
10-46 Tow Truck/Company 10-96 ---
10-47 Intoxicated (Person/Driver) 10-97 On Location/At Scene
10-48 Speeding 10-98 Leaving Location/Scene
10-49 --- 10-99 ---
10-50 --- 10-100 ---