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Bernards Township, Somerset Hills, and Somerset County Public Safety

US > New Jersey > Somerset (County) [New York City]

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 Bernards Township, Somerset Hills, and Somerset County Public Safety

P25 phase II with plans to add conventional. Priority is Bernards. Somerset Hills is Bedminster, Bernardsville, Bernards, Far Hills, Peapack & Gladstone. Warren Twp is also included.
Public Safety
1   Online


Feed Notes

Here are two live webcam in the center of Bernards Township

The town green looking up Finely Avenue from the Presbyterian church window

The Presbyterian church and East Oak Street in front of church Maple Avenue on the right.

The setup for scanning is using a Raspberry Pi with a USB RTL-SDR for the receiver and boatbod OP25. Current is only OP25. Looking into the possibility of add convententional receive to include the FM coverage.

Here two links to the OP25 projects. The boatbod version works well but does not support more up to date releases of Linux. The second is a fork of the boatbod and updated for the more current versions. If running more current versions of Python,gnuradio, etc try the forked version second link.

The following is information on the configuration files for what is being scanned.
file: trunk_somerset.tsv
The "BlackList" TGIDs are listed separately for readability and would be all on together
between the quotes the same as the Control Channel List.

"Sysname"     "Control Channel List"          "Offset" "NAC"   "Modulation" "TGID Tags File" "Whitelist" "Blacklist" "CenterFrequency"
"Somerset700" "774.40625,772.23125,772.95625" "0"      "0x454" "CQPSK"      "somerset.tsv"   ""          "see below" ""
"Somerset500" "500.8875,502.8375,476.0625"    "0"      "0x453" "CQPSK"      "somerset.tsv"   ""          "see below" ""

Black List TGID

file: somerset.tsv
This information was pulled from RadioReference in 2022.
There is no header in the actual file below is for clairification

103    "Public Safety Interop"
105    "County Alarms"
109    "InterCounty Hotline"
201    "OEM Fleet Call"
203    "OEM Dispatch"
205    "OEM Operations 1"
207    "OEM Operations 2"
209    "OEM Operations 3"
211    "OEM Radio Equipment Maintenance Unit"
213    "HazMat Operations 1"
215    "HazMat Operations 2"
217    "OEM Operations 6"
301    "County Park Rangers  Fleet Call"
303    "County Park Rangers  Dispatch"  
305    "County Park Rangers   Tactical"
403    "Prosecutors Office  Main"
405    "Prosecutors Office  Ops 1"
407    "Prosecutors Office  Ops 2"
409    "Prosecutors Office  Ops 3"
503    "Sheriff Dispatch"
505    "Sheriff Tac 1"
507    "County Sheriff  Tac 2"
627    "Facilities and Maintenance Dispatch"
645    "Countywide Events 4"
647    "Countywide Events 3"
701    "Test"    1
703    "Police Region 1  Dispatch  - Bedminister, Bernards, Far Hills, & Peapack-Glastone"    1
705    "Police Region 1  Ops 1  - Bedminister, Bernards, Far Hills, & Peapack-Glastone"    1
707    "Police Region 1  Ops 2  - Bedminister, Bernards, Far Hills, & Peapack-Glastone"    1
709    "Police Region 8  Dispatch1 - Unassigned"
711    "Police Region 8  Ops 1 - Unassigned"
713    "Police Region 8  Ops 2 - Unassigned"
715    "Police Region 4  Dispatch - Dunellen, Green Brook, & South Bound Brook"
717    "Police Region 4  Ops 1 - Dunellen, Green Brook, & South Bound Brook"
719    "Police Region 4  Ops 2 - Dunellen, Green Brook, & South Bound Brook"
723    "Police Region 5  Dispatch - Manville & Montgomery"
725    "Police Region 5  Ops 1 - Manville & Montgomery"
727    "Police Region 6  Dispatch - Raritan & Somerville"
729    "Police Region 6  Ops 1 - Raritan & Somerville"
733    "Montgomery Police  Ops "
735    "Montgomery Twp Services"
737    "Municipal DPW  Region 1"    1
739    "Municipal DPW  Region 2"
741    "Police Region 6  Ops 2 - Raritan & Somerville"
743    "Police Region 7  Dispatch - Branchburg & Hillsborough"
745    "Police Region 7  Ops 1 - Branchburg & Hillsborough"
747    "Police Region 7  Ops 2 - Branchburg & Hillsborough"
801    "Fire  EMS FleetCall"
803    "Fire Region 1  North - Bedminster, Bernards, Bernardsville, Far Hills, Peapack-Gladstone, VA Hospital"    1
805    "Fire Region 2  West - Branchburg, Bridgewater"
807    "Fire Region 3  East - Dunellen, Green Brook, North Plainfield, Warren, Watchung"    1
809    "Fire Region 4  Central - Bound Brook, Manville, Raritan, Somerville, South Borund Brook"
811    "Fire Region 5  Franklin - Franklin, Millstone"
813    "Fire Region 6  South - Hillsborough, Montgomery, Rocky Hill"
815    "Fire Operations 1 - Bedminster, Bernards, Bernardsville, Far Hills, Peapack-Gladstone, VA Hospital"    1
817    "Fire Operations 2 - Branchburg, Bridgewater"
819    "Fire Operations 3 - Dunellen, Green Brook, North Plainfield, Warren, Watchung"
821    "Fire Operations 4 - Bound Brook, Manville, Raritan, Somerville, South Borund Brook"
823    "Fire Operations 5 - Franklin, Millstone"
825    "Fire Operations 6 - Hillsborough, Montgomery, Rocky Hill"
827    "Fire Operations 7"
829    "Fire Operations 8"
831    "Fire Operations 9"
833    "Fire Operations 10"
901    "EMS Region 1 - Bernardsville, Bedminister, Bridgewater, Dunellen, Peapack-Gladstone"    1
903    "EMS Region 2 - Branchburg, Hillsborough, Manville, Millstone, Montgomery, Rocky Hill, Somerville, South Bound Brook"
905    "EMS Operations 1 - Bernardsville, Bedminister, Bridgewater, Dunellen, Peapack-Gladstone"    1
907    "EMS Operations 2 - Branchburg, Hillsborough, Manville, Millstone, Montgomery, Rocky Hill, Somerville, South Bound Brook"
909    "EMS Operations 3"
911    "EMS Operations 4"
913    "EMS Region 3 "    1
933    "Police County Wide"
935    "Fire InterOps"
937    "EMS InterOps"
949    "Police Region 3  Dispatch  - North Plainfield"
1205    "Countywide Events 1"
1207    "Countywide Events 2"
2019    "SCERT Operations 1"
2021    "SCERT Operations 2"
2023    "Bernardsville Public Works"    1
2025    "Bernardsville Police  Tactical"    1
3003    "Police Region 9  Dispatch"
3103    "Franklin Fire  Main Dispatch"
3105    "Franklin Fire  Primary Operations"
3111    "Franklin Fire  District 1 Tactical"
3113    "Franklin Fire  District 2 Tactical"
3115    "Franklin Fire  District 3 Tactical"
3117    "Franklin Fire  Secondary Operations"
3203    "Franklin EMS  Main Operations"
3211    "Franklin EMS  Tactical 1"
3213    "Franklin EMS  Tactical 2"
3403    "Prosecutors Office  Dispatch"
3405    "Prosecutors Office  Tac 1"
3407    "Prosecutors Office  Tac 2"
3409    "SCERT Tac 1"
3411    "SCERT Tac 2"
3413    "OEM Tactical 1"
3415    "OEM Tactical 2"
3419    "Police Region 3  Ops 1  - North Plainfield"
3421    "Police Region 3  Ops 2  - North Plainfield"
3705    "Police Region 2  Dispatch - Unassigned"
3707    "Police Region 2  Ops 1 - Unassigned"
3709    "Police Region 2  Ops 2 - Unassigned"
3711    "Police Region 10  Dispatch - Bridgewater"
3713    "Police Region 10  Ops 1 - Bridgewater"
3715    "Police Region 10  Ops 2 - Bridgewater"
3717    "Police Region 11  Dispatch - Bound Brook"
3719    "Police Region 11  Ops 1 - Bound Brook"
3721    "Police Region 11  Ops 2 - Bound Brook"
3723    "Police Region 12  Dispatch - Unassigned"
3725    "Police Region 12  Ops 1 - Unassigned"
3727    "Police Region 12  Ops 2 - Unassigned"