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Illinois State Police - Troop 8 Collinsville (MetroEast)

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 Illinois State Police - Troop 8 Collinsville (MetroEast)

Serves Madison, St Clair, Bond, Clinton and Monroe Counties (D11), Jersey, Calhoun, Greene, Macoupin and Montgomery Counties (D18) Interstates with-in the area are I-55, I-70, I-64, I-270 and I-255 near St Louis. Downstate IL Scanner Page
Public Safety
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STARCOM21 Site 301 P25 Digital System on RadioReference

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llinois State Police Troop 8 - Metro East talkgroups
(Former District 11 - Collinsville along with former District 18 Litchfield)

17000 Troop 8 A 
17001 Troop 8 B 11 (8 B BOY 11)
17002 Troop 8 C
17017 Troop 8 Detail 11 A
17018 Troop 8 Detail 11 B (Special Events)
17031 Troop 8 IREACH Patch (w/ 17034)
17037 Troop 8 ISPERN Patch (w/ 
17043 Troop 8/D11 Local Patch
17046 Troop 8/D18 Local Patch

Mutual Aid/County PSAP Talkgroups:

30325 Incident A11 / Region 8A - Southwest
30326 Incident A12 / Region 8B - Southwest
17068 Special Event - Zone 3 A
17069 Special Event - Zone 3 B

7323  Madison County 911 PSAP-to-PSAP (MC E911)
7302  Madison County Calling 
7006  St Clair County Calling 

Conventional Frequencies:

155.475  ISPERN
155.055  IREACH (mutual aid and Landing zone)
155.205  SARMA rebroadcast of ARCH 460.525
460.525  ARCH Helicopter St Louis (AirCom)
151.505  Air Evac Lifeteam 156 Madison County
158.400  Air Evac Lifeteam 156 Madison County
153.095  Air Evac Lifeteam Ofallon MO
153.080  Air Evac Lifeteam-Troy MO Base (St Louis)

Illinois State Police, Troop 8 dispatched by 'Collinsville' serves Madison, St Clair, Bond, Clinton and Monroe Counties (former District 11), Jersey, Calhoun, Greene, Macoupin and Montgomery Counties (former District 18)

This includes the cities of Alton, Belleville, Breese, Carlinville, Carlyle, Collinsville, Columbia, Edwardsville, East St Louis, Fairview Heights, Granite City, Greenfield, Greenville, Jerseyville, Litchfield, Waterloo.  

Interstates with-in the area are I-55, I-70, I-64, I-270 and I-255.  This includes the former Districts 11 and 18.

As of 1/1/23, District 11 Collinsville is ISP Troop 8 MetroEast.
For more information, see Illinois State Police in the database