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Macoupin and Montgomery Counties Public Safety Dispatch
Illinois State Police D18, Macoupin County Public Safety, Montgomery County Public Safety.
Public Safety
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All information can be found 
llinois State Police District 18 - Litchfield Talkgroups:
- 17009 D18 Dispatch A
- 17010 D18 Dispatch B
- 17024 D18 Detail A (Special Events)
- 17025 D18 Detail B (Special Events)
- 17034 D18 IREACH Patch (of 155.055)
- 17040 D18 ISPERN Patch (of 155.475)
- 17046 D18 Local Patch

Mutual Aid Talkgroups:
- 30325 Region 8A - Southwest
- 30326 Region 8B - Southwest​ (Agency Check-In First Tuesday 10:30AM)
Macoupin County VHF-UHF Frequencies Monitored:
- 151.1525 Mac 911 Ch2
- 154.7475 Macoupin County 911 (Test Page Every Sunday Night 5PM)
- 453.475 Mac 911 Dorchester
- 155.055 IREACH
- 153.830 Fireground Red
- 154.295 Fireground Blue
- 154.265 IFERN
- 154.785 Macoupin County Local Government
- 151.2125 Macoupin Sheriff
- 453.7875 Brighton Fire
- 155.610 Bunker Hill Police
- 154.070 Bunker Hill Fire
- 154.055 Carlinville Fire Local
- 154.265 Carlinville Fireground
- 154.800 Gillespie Police Department
- 153.2975 Gillespie-Benld EMS
- 155.6475 Gillespie-Benld EMS
- 154.0925 Mt. Olive Police
- 460.525 Northwestern EMS/Fire
- 464.100 Scottville/Modesto Fire
- 151.415 Staunton Police
- 154.025 Staunton EMS Local
- 159.000 Staunton Fire
- 154.220 Unit 7 Fire
- 155.31 Virden Police Department
- 155.475 ISPERN
- 155.445 ISP VHF Backup
- 155.460 ISP Alerts
Montgomery County VHF-UHF Frequencies Monitored:
- 155.820 Litchfield Police
- 159.712 Montgomery County 911 (Test Pages Every Monday 7PM)
- 151.460 Montgomery Fire/EMS
- 151.312 Montgomery County Sheriff
Scanning with BCD536HP using Pro Scan with WiFi Dongle.