W7HEN Henderson ARC Repeater Network |
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W7HEN Henderson ARC Repeater Network | Amateur Radio
2 | Online |
This is a live stream of amateur radio traffic from the Henderson Amateur Radio Club's repeater system, located in Henderson, NV, covering the greater Las Vegas and Pahrump valleys. The primary club repeater frequencies are:
Henderson, Low Potosi (H1) 447.9250 MHz (-) PL tone 156.7
Angel Peak (H2) 449.8500 MHz (-) PL tone 131.8
Pahrump (H5) 449.9250 MHz (-) PL tone 156.7
Henderson, city center (H6) 445.525(-) PL tone 91.5
Summerlin (H7) 445.075 (-) PL tone 123.0
Boulder City (B1) 446.500 (-) PL tone 156.7
LA/Orange Counry, CA, Pleasants Peak (C1) 446.120 MHz (-) PL tone 131.8
Affiliate Repeaters
AA7SC - Sun City Anthem (A1) 446.350 MHz (-) PL tone 127.3
N8HC - Henderson, southeast (H3) 447.7250 MHz (-) PL tone 114.8
The system can also be reached via Echolink: W7HEN-R node 740644 or Allstar: node 44045. Join us for our net, Sundays at 7:00 p.m. Pacific time. More information can be found at http://www.W7HEN.org/