Washington Parish Public Safety Dispatch |
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Public Safety
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LWIN Agencies Monitored - TGID
Bogalusa Fire Dispatch - 38532
Bogalusa Police Dispatch - 38502
Franklinton Police Dispatch - 38516
Frankilinton Fire Dept - 38534
NorthShore EMS Operations 1 - 38525
Northshore EMS Operations 2 - 38548
Parish Fire Protection District 4 Dispatch - 38543
Parish Fire Protection District 5 Dispatch - 38524
Parish Fire Protection District 7 Dispatch - 38545
Sheriff - 38512
Sheriff - 38511
POLICE COMPLAINT CALLS/SIGNALS 15-Citizen holding a suspect 17-F Fugitive attachment 17-J Juvenile attachment 17-M Municipal Court attachment 17-R Warrant stop and release 17-T Traffic attachment 18-Traffic incidents (other than those designated by signal) 18-A Abandoned Vehicle 18-A Abandoned Vehicle 18-DE Directed traffic enforcement 19-Drunk 20-Auto accident 20-A Airplane crash 20-I Injury accident 20-F Fatal accident 20-X Accident involving police vehicle 21-Complaint 21-AB Abandoned Boat 21-B Blighted property 21-C Curfew 21-F Flood event 21-H Homeless 21-J Missing juvenile 21-L Lost or stolen 21-M Missing adult 21-N Noise complaint 21-R Foreign stolen/local recovery 21-S Asset seizure 21-T Truant violation 21-U Underage drinking violation 21-V Voting/election complaints 22-Disperse subjects 22-A Area Check 22-B Business Check 22-R Residence Check 22-D Directed Patrol 22-W Walking Beat 23-Traffic congestion 24-Medical 24-C Medical Communicable Disease 24-K Medical Sexual Assault Kit 25-Call dispatcher 26-Police officer 27-Attempt crime 29-Death 29-S Suicide 29-U Unclassified death 30-Homicide 30-C Homicide, cutting 30-D Homicide, domestic 30-S Homicide, shooting 34-Aggravated battery 34-C Aggravated battery, cutting 34-D Domestic aggravated, battery 34-S Aggravated battery, shooting 35-Simple battery 35-D Simple battery, domestic 37-Aggravated assault 37-D Aggravated assault, domestic 38-Simple assault 38-D Simple assault, domestic 39-Negligent injury 42-Aggravated rape 42-B Oral sexual battery 42-M Aggravated rape, male victim 43-Simple rape 43-B Sexual battery 43-M Simple rape, male victim 44-Aggravated kidnaping 44-B Barricaded subject 44-H Hostage 45-Simple kidnaping 51-Aggravated arson 51-B Bomb threat 52-Simple arson 52-D Simple Arson, domestic 52-E Explosion 52-F Fire 52-R Rescue 54-Placing combustible substances-fire bomb 55-Aggravated criminal damage to property 56-Simple criminal damage to property 56-D Domestic criminal damage 58-(10-18) additional information 58R Local stolen / local recovery 59-Criminal mischief 59-D Criminal mischief, domestic 59-P Taking temporary possession 60-Aggravated burglary 61-Automobile smash & grab 62-Simple burglary 62-A Burglary alarm 62-B Simple burglary, business 62-C Simple burglary, auto 62-D Simple burglary, domestic 62-L Local alarm 62-R Residence burglary 62-S Safe burglary 63-Trespass, prowler 63-P Protest 64-Armed robbery 64-A Silent robbery alarm 64-G Armed robbery, gun 64-J Armed car jacking 64-K Armed robbery, knife 65-Simple robbery 65-J Carjacking, no weapon 65-P Simple robbery, purse snatching 66-Extortion 66-D Domestic threats 67-Theft 67-A Auto theft 67-AR Simultaneous stolen / recovery 67-B Bicycle theft 67-C Theft from exterior of auto 67-E Theft by embezzlement 67-F Theft by fraud 67-P Pickpocket 67-S Theft by shoplifting 68-Unauthorized use of movables 69 Possession of stolen property 71-Issuing worthless checks 72-Forgery 79-Violation of protective orders 80-Carnal knowledge of a juvenile 81-Indecent behavior 82-Prostitution 83-Solicitation for prostitution 84-Pandering 87- Abortion 89-Crime against nature 90-Gambling 91-Unlawful sale to minors 92-Contributing to delinquency of a juvenile 93-Cruelty to a juvenile 94-Illegal use of weapons 94-F Fireworks 95-Illegal carrying of a weapon 95-G illegal carrying of a weapon (concealed gun) 95-K illegal carrying of a weapon (knife) 97-Picketing 98-D.W.I. 99-Reckless operation 100-Hit and run 100-I Hit and run, injury 100-F Hit and run, fatality 100-X Hit and run, police vehicle 101-Desecration of graves 102-Cruelty to animals 103-Disturbance 103-D Disturbance, domestic 103-F Disturbance, fight 103-M Disturbance, mental 103-R Disturbance, riot 106-Obscenity, exposing one's person 107-Suspicious person 107-S Suspicious package 107-U Unattended package 108-Officer Need’s assistance, life in danger 109-Aggravated escape 110-Simple escape 112-Impersonating an officer 116-Flag desecration 118-Public bribery 284-Peeping tom 911-Unknown trouble call 966-Drug law violations COMPUTER AIDED DISPATCH DISPOSITIONS / PLAIN TEXT VERBIAGE G.O.A. Gone on arrival UNF. Unfounded R.T.F. Report to follow N.A.T. Necessary action taken DUP. Duplicate of another item VOID (For internal Communications Services and CAD use only) SUPP. Supplemental report