Houghton and Keweenaw Counties Police, Fire and EMS |
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Houghton and Keweenaw Counties Police, Fire and EMS Houghton and Keweenaw Counties FD, EMS, and DNR fireground. |
Public Safety
39 | Online |
This feed covers Houghton and Keweenaw Counties in Michigan.
This feed includes:
Houghton County Fire North End 154.085 Mhz
Houghton County Fire South End 155.415 Mhz
Houghton County Police (31P911) ID 7039
MI State Police (SWCID8) ID 7008
MI State Police (MSP8) ID 6002
MI State Police Calumet Post (D87POST) ID 6075
MI State Police North Dispatch (D8NORTH) ID 5082
MI State Police Emergency All Call (D8EAC) ID 6001
MI State Police Statewide District 8 (STATW8) ID 6003
Michigan Tech University Public Safety (31MITEC) ID 6250
Countrywide Common (31COM) ID 7042
Houghton County Medical First Responders North End (31NFMR) ID 6302
Houghton County Medical First Responders South End (31SFMR) ID 6303
Upper Penisula DNR Fire (FMDUP) ID 7034
Houghton County Fire (31FE911) ID 1383
Houghton County EMS (31MERCY) ID 6247
Houghton County EMS (31EMS) ID 6190
Kewneenaw County Police (42P911) ID 7040
Keweenaw County Fire 154.31 Mhz
Kewneenaw County EMS (42EMS) ID 6296
Mercy Ambulance (31MERCY) ID 6247
Mercy Ambulance (31MERCY) ID 7219
Upper Peninsula DNR - Fire Management (FMUP) ID 4450
DNR District 1: Dispatch (DNR01) ID 6017
Keweenaw County Fire (42FIRE) ID 7101
Keweenaw County Fire (42FE911) ID 7100
Countrywide Common (42COM) ID 7046
Houghton County Police (31PEN) ID 6414 - Due to this encrypted talk group for the PD there may no longer be police dispatch on this feed for Houghton County.
Keweenaw County Police (42PEN) ID 6415 - Due to this encrypted talk group for the PD there may no longer be police dispatch on this feed for Keweenaw County.
The scanner is a Uniden BCD996P2 using a Yagi antenna. I am using a Rasberry Pi 4B as the streaming device using Darkice. Both the Pi, and the scanner, router/firewall and modem are on a UPS. The following tower sites are scanned: Houghton, Skanee, and Donken.