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Wheeling/Ohio County, WV and OSP District 7

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Wheeling/Ohio County, WV and OSP District 7

-Stereo Feed- Left = *OSHP post #07*; Harrison Co OH Sheriff; Division 3 Jefferson Co, OH; West Virginia State Police Troop 1 (all troopers from northern WV) --- Right = All Ohio County, Marshall County, Brooke County WV Police & Fire Departments
Public Safety
31   Online


Feed Notes






  Harrison Co, OH - Sheriff ***   Brooke Co, WV Fire & Law***  Wetzel Co, WV various agencies (SIRN radios only) 




FEED STATUS UPDATE 10/28/2022: (edited 11/04):

The 24 year old hard drive that ran the Windows 2000 OS powering this feed since its inception on Sept.25, 2009 has finally crashed..

In the meantime, I have a temporary setup running on an old laptop but no matter what I try, it will not accept  input audio from two sources...   So until a new host machine is put into service, there will be only one scanner in use...   Because of this, during normal operation, the left channel will not be active (which means the following agencies are currently omitted:  WV State Police,  OH State Highway Patrol, and any other agencies from The State of Ohio.)

I'll do my best to get a permanent fix, but it may be a while.




update 6/12/2022:

Due to Marshall County's extensive use of APCO P-25 digital phase II modulation, many Marshall agencies are currently not being heard on this feed as it is currently only capable of receiving Phase I audio.   The affected agencies include:   ALL Marshall County Fire & EMS, and ALL Marshall County law enforcement.....There will be times when some of these channels revert back to Phase I at which time they will automatically be included in this feed.....

Brooke County has also begun using Phase II modulation with all county public service agencies albeit with lesser frequency, however, the Brooke fire tac channels are almost exclusively using TDMA Phase II and will not be heard on this feed until we are able to upgrade our feed equipment to become Phase II capable.,    







     This is a split stereo feed which means that there are two scanning radios in use- one radio in the left speaker and another radio in the right speaker....   If you choose to listen using a media player such as WINAMP or other device like the "Scanner Radio" app that has audio balance control, you can simply adjust the left-right balance control on your player/device/app and listen only to the side you prefer.  HOWEVER,  if you are using the Radio Reference web player or other device which has no balance control, you are forced to listen to both scanners- unless of course you are using a computer in which you can go to the computer's audio properties and adjust the balance there to suit your desired listening--  something you may want to consider during periods of  heavy radio traffic because two people talking at once can get rather annoying and it makes it difficult to discern what is being said on either channel.

This live stream primarily broadcasts public safety agencies located in Marshall and Ohio Counties in West Virginia...along with the Ohio State Highway Patrol Post in St. Clairsville, Ohio

 you will also occasionally hear activity and/or agencies from surrounding and nearby counties including:


  Specific Agencies that are regularly heard on each channel of this LIVE Stream include:

*******on the LEFT CHANNEL*******    (from Kirkwood & Powhatan MARCS)

                  ***LAW ENFORCEMENT*** 

consisting of the following specific agencies

Note that other than Sheriff and Steubenville PD, all Jefferson County, OH agencies listed above include only units from "Division 3"  (which is the southern third of the county, the only division commonly received at this location).....  These agencies call into and are dispatched from "J-COM"


        (NOTE:      During normal feed operations, WVSP and OC LAW are the only two channels from West Virginia that are heard on the left channel...  Ohio County Law is the only talkgroup that is found on both the left and right channels of this radio feed.                                              

-------- ( as of Jan 2021, the fireground channels for Wheeling and Ohio Co are also included on both sides of th.e feed) -----


* * * FIRE & EMS * * *




Left channel general info:

The left channel is going to be mostly OSHP Troopers from Belmont, Jefferson, Harrison & Monroe Counties as well as Ohio County Law which features the county sheriff's dept. along with town/village PDs from all of Ohio Co...      Quite often- but not always- public safety from the southern third of Jefferson Co OH (aka Division 3), Jefferson County Sheriff and Harrison County Law/Fire/EMS channels are carried on the Kirkwood tower site and thus will be heard on this feed although your best bet for Jefferson County listening is to listen to the dedicated Jefferson County feed ...    Occasionally Monroe County Sheriff hits one of the towers the radio is scanning...   Most private EMS, medcorps, aircare, helpdesks, prisons, hospitals and other annoying talkgroup channels such as transportation have been locked out,  however, note that the radio is scanning in open mode so it is quite possible for a rogue MARCS user to stray into one of the two towers' coverage area.......................      


OSHP info:

This feed receives practically all of OSP Post 07's radio traffic and quite often carries the activity of Post 41.  In many cases you will hear the radio traffic from both patrol posts depending on what is going on with radio channel patching at their dispatch center,.. The Cambridge channel is often active here as well.

OSP St. Clairsville Dispatch handles:  Belmont, Monroe, Jefferson, and Harrison Counties; OSP Cambridge Dispatch handles: Guernsey, Noble, Morgan, and Washington Counties; OSP New Philly Dispatch handles: Tuscarawas, Muskingam, Coshocton and Carroll Counties..... The only counties from which you can expect to hear OSP radio traffic are (in order of frequency):  Belmont, Monroe, Jefferson, Harrison, Guernsey, Noble, Washington and Morgan...

OSHP uses their own code/signal numbers which can be found here:


Monroe County info:

In 2011,  Monroe County, Ohio started using the Ohio MARCS System for their EMS and Sheriffs Dept. Their EMS/FD talkgroup channels can occasionally be heard on this stream...  You will know when you are hearing Monroe County because they always call in to and are dispatched from "5-6" or "56" (which is their State of Ohio alphabetical county #)... Most Monroe Co radio users speak using the standard BSSA lingo (see link below).... .  also to note, Woodsfield Police department uses the number "12" (twelve) as their radio contact unit number.  Other two digit single numbers (such as 3-2 or 7-5) are Monroe County deputies...  The Monroe County Ems Squads are numbered as follows:


 Jefferson County info:

In Late 2015 Jefferson County abandoned their county trunked radio system and replaced it by joining the statewide Ohio MARCS-IP radio system.   Jefferson County is now serviced by a three location simulcast site (which consists of the three towers from the former county system) and also by stand alone tower sites in Adena, Bridgeport and East Liverpool...  The Bridgeport (Kirkwood) tower is the only site received by our radio so being that this site is actually located in Belmont CO, there will not be continuous coverage of any Jeff Co agency..  You will know when you are hearing Jefferson County Agencies as they call into and are dispatched from "J-COM" except for the Sheriff's Office which is dispatched from "Station 41"  or just "41". For full time coverage of Jefferson County use this feed: 


*******on the RIGHT CHANNEL*****                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

                  ***LAW ENFORCEMENT*** 

consisting of the following specific agencies                                                                                                                                                                               

*          West Virginia Agencies (Aside from The WV State Police, WV agencies mostly now use plain english but still do use a couple codes which I have listed below)



BROOKE COUNTY   ----- as of 5/01/2021, all Brooke County law enforcement agencies use the SIRN digital statewide radio system for primary communications and are now heard full time on this feed...  all are dispatched by "BROOKE".

*         Ohio Agencies:           (All Ohio Law Enforcement Agencies use BSSA  lingo)


* * * FIRE & EMS * * *                                                                                                                                                                               

  *             West Virginia Agencies:



BROOKE COUNTY  ----- as of 5/29/2021,  Brooke County Fire was still using both UHF conventional and UHF SIRN Digitall; soon thereafter new SIRN radios were installed in all FD/EMS vehicles and Brooke switched soley to using the WVSIRN P-25 digital

​WETZEL COUNTY  ----- Wetzel County still uses VHF and UHF frequencies  for primary dispatch and operations but have been                                                   seen on SIRN, Mostly for EMS ops and occasional fire and sheriff ops

Note that I'm still not really sure just how exactly Marshall County currently operates their county EMS services... All I can say is that any 9x9x unit number is an ambulance from "Tri-State" or "Marshall County EMS" or "Limestone EMS" and acting in an official 911 response capacity for a location within Marshall County...   I do believe The Marshall County EMS and Tri-State may alternate "on call" days or times.. These 3 EMS companies  are based in Moundsville, Cameron and Limestone... 

In addition to those squads, the fire departments of Dallas, Glen Dale, and McMechen also Provide ALS ambulance service to the northern part of the county..  Marshall Co. is also frequently aided by Bethlehem EMS from Ohio County due to the Village of Bethlehem abutting the northern border of Marshall Co.and is easily the closest ambulance to the areas of Mozart, Fairmont Pike, Mt.Olivet, and into Sherrard.

With respect to EMS service in Ohio County.. Wheeling FD generally handles their own medical calls with their three first line ALS ambulances...   In the rest of the county, there are 6 volunteer fire departments which operate ALS ambulance service and one professional County operated EMS service based at "The Highlands" development.   Ohio County EMS staffs one crew every day 24 hours a day..  The County's EMS service is always dual toned with the closest VFD for all calls necessitating emergency medical services. Ohio county EMS' ambulances are numbered 2-5 and 2-5-1.

West Liberty VFD commonly provides ALS ambulance aid to Brooke County EMS, sometimes being called even to the far northern reaches of Brooke County.

*     Ohio agencies  

This feed no longer carries any Belmont County public safety.   If a major incident were to occur in Belmont County and someone is available to add that incident's channel(s) to the feed we will so so and it will be noted in the  current "feed status".  

For a list of Belmont County apparatus see the wiki at this URL:                                                      

Ffor deciphering  Ohio County fire dept fleet apparatus, the following scheme is generally followed:

with x being the station number and y being successive numerals beginning with 1

Sometimes the preceding scheme is not followed when a fire company receives a new apparatus but generally speaking the second digit is accurate in determining the type of apparatus.)


*Wheeling Fire apparatus*


Wheeling fire department has abandoned using 10 codes and now uses plain english however there are still a couple codes that are still always used and they are as follows:


 *Wheeling Police operational info*

(The following information, which has been gathered and is presented here, is based solely from our observations and cannot be considered as official policy or procedure... This information may be incorrect or outdated and has been listed here only as a rough guide in determining what you may be hearing...)  

Wheeling Police units are as follows: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Hotel,"K", and Mike......  The Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie shifts are the main, around the clock patrol units; ... The Delta patrol shift works a staggered shift, usually from evening to early morning; ... The Hotel units are assigned to the drug task force; ... The "K" units are dog handlers; ... and the Mike units are assigned to the traffic division or work as a SRO in schools.....

The Patrol Beats are divided into several areas. The main patrol beats are divided into three districts, District 3- South; District 4-  East; and District 5- North.... The Patrol Beats are as follows:  31, 32, 41, 42, 51, 52... There is also occasionally an extra patrol unit assigned to one or more districts and they are:  South- 33; East- 43; North- 53; and Citywide- 56...

Areas covered by each patrol beat are as follows:  
31:  Center Wheeling, Downtown Wheeling(most), Goosetown, Vineyard Hill(part), East Wheeling

32:  South Wheeling, Mozart

41:  Fulton, Wheeling Penninsula, Glenwood, Greggsville, Leatherwood, Leewood Park, Forest Hills, Woodsdale, Edgewood, Pleasanton(part), Clator, Morningside, Rock Point Rd

42:  Pleasanton(part), Dimmydale, Howard Hills, Oakmont, Elm Grove, Wheeling Park High School, Mar-Win, Medical Park, Glen Hollin, Mil Acres, Elm Terrace, Overbrook, Hil-Dar, Springdale

51:  North Wheeling, Wheeling Island(daytime), Downtown Wheeling(part), Wheeling Hill/Grandview(part), Vineyard Hill(part), Mt. Wood

52:  Warwood, River Rd, North Park

Each shift appears to have a minimum of 6 patrol units and is usually commanded by a Sergeant or Lieutenant.  This supervisor is assigned a unit number in the teens starting with "11" which appear to be the Lts. and 12-15 Sgts,..;  The Traffic Division's "Mike" Units commonly use motorcycles and bicycles in performing their duties and use unit numbers in the 20's... Also included in this group are the city's school resource officers... Unit numbers in the 60s appear to be detectives...   A part time patrol, known on the radio as Highway 80 or 81 patrols the city's freeways in search of highway scofflaws...;   In Wheeling, The Chief of Police uses the moniker of "Car 1" and the Deputy Chief  "Unit 2"....  Also, in summer 2011 Wheeling initiated a citizen community patrol.  These "Neighborhood Assistant Volunteers" drive a cruiser with special insignia and yellow bar lights...  They assist the police during major and minor events and during other random times- such as issuing parking tickets for wrong side street sweeper violations.  they are referred to on the radio as Victor-800 and 801...  

As stated above, The preceding Wheeling PD operational information is only a hypothesis, formed from our own observations and information gathered from the official City of Wheeling, WV website ...  In no way can this information be considered current or official.... 

WPD has also given up many codes but many officers still commonly utilize these:


Ohio County Sheriff's Dept and municipal police common codes:


                                                                   * RADIO FEED UPDATES *  

update 9/04/2021:

Due to the West Virginia State Police combining all 12 of its Troop 1 counties onto one radio channel, this channel has become at times extremely busy and many local area public safety transmissions were getting covered over by troopers potentially in the Clarksburg, Fairmont, Morgantown area... As a result, the State Police talkgroup has been moved to the left channel of this feed.and is no longer heard on the right channel...  We are going to try it like this for a while and see how it goes.


update  8/17/2021:  

At the beginning of August 2021, WV State Police consolidated their Troop 1 dispatching thus eliminating Moundsville's State Police dispatch center and moved all State Police dispatching to Fairmont full time..  In doing so, all troopers from the twelve Troop 1 counties are now carried on the same radio channel which is carried by this feed.   This channel includes all state troopers from Hancock, Brooke, Ohio, Marshall, Wetzel, Tyler along with Marion, Monongalia, Doddridge, Harrison Taylor, and Preston.


update 8/17/2021: 

Marshall County has recently moved all their county fire tac channels to Phase II TDMA and our current radios do not receive this type of transmission...  So until such time that we can update our SIRN radio, this feed will only provide Marshall County fire dispatching and any traffic from the main fire channel.and will not include any radio traffic which has been assigned to tacs 1-4 as well as "Moundsville city fire"..


update 3-25-2021:

Harrison County Ohio Sheriff's channel is now carried on the LEFT channel of this feed during weekday nights (usually between 6pm and 8am) and all day on weekends, 


update 3-01-2021:

This update is about 3 months late,  but now included on the LEFT channel of this feed are the two fireground channels for both Wheeling Fire Dept. and all Ohio County VFDs...  If there is a working fire anywhere within Ohio County, the fireground traffic will automatically be found on both channels of the stream...   


update 12-20-20:

Brooke County EMS has been removed from feed.. 

Also, the Wheeling Site of the Ohio County Simulcast has been experiencing chronic (rumored to be) T1 line problems in recent months..   When that tower's link is experiencing problems, neither of the wheeling feeds are able to provide reliable public safety radio traffic...   Hopefully that problem will get permanetly rectified but in the meantime, if you tune in and dont hear anything at all (or just little blips of voice) from the right channel, that means that the tower is currently experiencing issues...  We will most likely note this signal loss in the "STATUS" of the feed.. There is nothing we can do about that until the radio techs fix it. 


update 8-17-20: 

Brooke County EMS has  migrated to primary SIRN usage so they are currently carried full time on the right side of this radio feed...  In the coming days, weeks, or months the Weirton SIRN tower site will be coming online which will provide much better coverage for Brooke and Hancock public safety agencies and The Brooke Sheriff may revisit going back to full time SIRN use....  Once this Weirton tower site does come online, the continuity of Brooke Co agencies appearing on this feed may be affected since it it is highly doubtful that our feed radios will receive signal from the Weirton SIRN tower and it is yet unknown whether or not the Ohio County Simulcast will carry both agencies at all times.. Also, once the Weirton site becomes active, it is assumed that Brooke Co Fire will move forward with switching from UHF conventional to SIRN digital trunked.

update corrected 8-22 to note that Brooke Sheriff has gone back to primary dispatch on their VHF frequency for the time being{


2-09-20- General feed information update:   The listing of "Feed Status" updates during major incidents:

Whenever this feed is in alert status and many times when not in alert status but a newsworthy incident is occurring within the coverage area, the left channel will be carrying only the radio talkgroups(s) pertinent to the active situation and the usual left side stuff will either be turned off or temporarily moved to the right side for the duration of the incident... This can only occur if someone is physically located at the server and able to manually make this switch...   When these talkgroup changes happen, the Broadcastify "feed status" will reflect and detail what channels are affected by the active incident and the "feed status" will remain as such until the incident has either ended or the feed has otherwise been changed or returned to normal scan.   This way you can quickly check the "Feed Status" to know whether or not a talkgroup switch is in effect...    To find the "feed status" on the "Scanner Radio" app you simply press the "information" button (next to the "favorites" star) and if there is an active status it will be listed right there at the top directly under the main feed description...  (Note that if there is not a currently active status message then nothing at all will be listed there except the usual feed information...  (I'm not familiar with any other scanner apps so have no idea how you would locate the "feed status" on those apps.)


update 12-11-19:

The Brooke County Sheriff's office has been using the SIRN system more and more with each passing week so they are now included in this feed's main description....    Note, however, that their failing VHF repeater is still the primary radio in use for the department's dispatch and operations but whenever a significant incident occurs within the county you can be assured that there will be radio traffic on both the old VHF frequency and the Statewide Digital trunking system.



  update 10-27-19:

  As of October 2019, The WV State Police's Moundsville dispatch center is only operating on weekdays during business hours.... On nights and weekends, all dispatching duties for the Troop 1 northern counties are now turned over to the Troop 1 HQ located in Fairmont which is why you now commonly hear troopers calling "Fairmont"...  

Troop 1 counties affected include:  Brooke, Hancock, Marshall, Ohio, Tyler, and Wetzel.


update 2-04-2019:  

Both Brooke and Wetzel Sheriff's Dept's have been using their "Statewide" or "Digital" radios on a more frequent basis...  While both counties still use their old conventional channels for primary radio communications,  their periodic use of the SIRN radios will enable both to be heard here with more frequency...    Brooke Co can be easily identified on the radio since they call into and are dispatched from "Brooke"   whereas Wetzel Co uses the term "dispatch" (as does Ohio County)


update 6-30-2107 

Left channel of feed is now carrying Ohio Co Law dispatch in addition to Ohio MARCS due to amount of traffic missed on right channel to other agencies...  

Note that the right channel remains unchanged and still contains this talkgroup as well         


update 10-10-2016

Harrison County, Ohio will be appearing on the left side of this stream more often now that fire and law are both full time MARCS-IP users.....  I haven't got around to updating their radio call numbers but they usually call into either"Harrison County" or"34" (34 being the State of Ohio county number for Harrison)... 

In other news I have decided to move all old updates to the bottom of this page... I will leave the latest update on top as well as any others that are less than thirty days old.............. Also I am looking to get a new server machine that is vastly updated over the current one in use...  This will allow me to run newer and better software that will:

A) allow the streaming of radio agency display tags on the West Virginia side of the stream...

B) allow the feed to have louder volume as I am well aware that it could be a great deal louder when need be...

The present server machine is extremely old and has been making some scary sounds lately... not sure if those are due to halloween approaching or imminent failure so if by chance the unit goes kaput then this feed will be down for an extended period until a satisfactory replacement can be procured and established...

One other thing I would like to note is that during times of alert worthy activity the left channel, if possible, will be locked on the main incident talkgroup while the right channel may carry related talkgroups or be on normal scan...


update 8-29-2016:

As of August 25, Wheeling Fire Dept switched to The WV statewide digital radio system thus bringing a complete end to analog public safety radio in the Wheeling Metro area...  Every agency that can be heard on this stream will now be using digital voice.


update 8-12-2016:

It appears that The Wheeling Police Department has now ceased their 800 MHz analog simulcast and now all radios are using the digital West Virginia statewide radio network using talkgroup 2191 thus all Wheeling Police transmissions will now be heard using digital modulation.....


update 7-30-2016:

A few weeks ago the Wheeling Police began their transition to the West Virginia statewide radio system..  The department is currently simulcasting on both the WVSIRN and the City of Wheeling 800Mhz TRS...  This is why you may hear some Whg Pd transmissions with analog voice (as it has been, trunked for the last 20 years) and some with digital voice (depending on which system the scanning radio comes to first when the police radio is used).....


update 5-16-2016: 

In the past few months, Jefferson County Ohio has started using the statewide MARCS radio network and thus some police and fire units from the southern third of the county will be heard on the left channel of this feed when their talkgroups are associated with the Kirkwood Tower...  more detailed info is listed below under the "Jefferson County Info" header


update 12-19-2015: 

As of December 6, Marshall County Fire is now using the WV SIRN...   Fire band dispatches and most field activity (depending on which tower the radios are hitting) will now be heard on the right channel of this feed... companies and their station numbers are listed below...


update 10-20-14:

As of today at 04:00 Belmont County rolled out their new p25 digital radio system... on this system, all law enforcement talkgroups are now transmitting using full time encryption...  Because of this,  we will no longer be offering any public safety channels from Belmont County...


update 3-27-14:

Within the last few months, as you may have already noticed, Glen Dale Police have jumped on the WVSIRN bandwagon which they commonly utilize thus I'm not sure yet if they still use vhf or they exclusivly use this system...  


update 9-1-13:

For the next couple weeks, until the State of Ohio MARCS radio system is completely rebanded, I will have the "helpdesk" channel set as a priority TG on the left channel of this stream. .. .  This means that some State Patrol conversations will get cut off when the Helpdesk channel becomes active...  A huge annoyance however this change is only temporary and will end once the system rebanding is complete... I am doing this to accommodate Radio Reference system administrators in determining which tower sites are undergoing the rebanding process....


update 12-22-12:

Within the last week the City of Moundsville Police Department has started using the WVSIRN / WVIRP state radio system although at present it is being used on a very infrequent basis as Moundsville Police still uses the VHF high band frequency of 155.250 for dispatching and most operations.... You will know when you are hearing Moundsville Police as they call into and are dispatched from :  "Station".


update  5-17-12:

As of april 20, the Moundsville dispatch of the West Virginia State Police has begun using the WVSIRN radio network...  This means that most troopers in Hancock, Brooke, Ohio, Marshall, Wetzel, and Tyler Counties can now be heard on this feed....  The tower coverage in Hancock county is still not 100% so the troopers will still use the existing VHF low band radios but most state police traffic is now on the right channel of this stream. .. You will know when you are hearing the WV State Police because they call into and are dispatched from:  "Moundsville".

 update 12-26-11:

Benwood and McMechan Police Departments have begun using the WVIRP system so they are now included to the list of agencies on the right side of this broadcast...   In other news, someone in Charleston has decided to rename the statewide system as "West Virginia Statewide Interoperablity Radio Network"  however most users are still referring to it as "the I R P".

update  5-14-11:

As of April 12, 2011 Ohio County has joined the West Virginia Statewide radio system which is called: "West Virginia Interoperability Radio Project" aka WVIRP ,    Due to this change there will be more agencies from around WV heard on this stream.... Some agencies that I hear regularly are the WVDNR conservation officers out of the Farmington base, the WV State Fire Marshall, and the WVDOH transportation management center (TMC)... I will keep this site updated with any new agencies that I discover.

update: 4-5-11

As of  April 01, 2011, The left channel of this stream is scanning both the Kirkwood & Powhatan MARCS sites......  The Powhatan site has been added to give more coverage of  Monroe County Sheriff's Dept & Woodsfield Police...   While reception of Monroe County Law will still not be 100% , the addition of this tower site will increase their presence on the left Channel of this stream

Due to the fact that there is a separate webcast  for Wheeling City Fire & Police  and Belmont County, they will both be in scan on the right channel of this stream UNLESS there is a very high volume of radio traffic at a particular time... This traffic could be related to severe weather or major incidents....  if that is the case and I am able, I will run only MARCS on left and WVIRP on the right..... (this means Ohio Highway Patrol on left side and Ohio County/WVSP on right side)

if you need or would like to make contact with this feed's manager:


-Stereo Feed-  Left = *OSHP post #07*; Harrison Co OH Sheriff;   Division 3 Jefferson Co, OH;  West Virginia State Police Troop 1 (all troopers from northern WV) --- 
Right = All Ohio County, Marshall County, Brooke County WV Police & Fire Departments