NS Harrisburg East Dispatcher |
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NS Harrisburg East Dispatcher The NS Harrisburg East territory operates on AAR Channel 050 - 160.8600 MHz. This stream provides single channel, wide area coverage. It does not scan. See "Feed Notes" for some interesting information about this stream. |
1 | Online |
Back in September we learned that we would likely be losing our fantastic receive site for the “NS Harrisburg East Dispatcher” radio stream due to a change in the site's ownership. Our attempts to negotiate an affordable arrangement with the site’s new owners were unsuccessful and we began making plans to vacate the site. Well unfortunately that day has arrived. This afternoon (Sunday the 12th) at around 1 p.m. the switch was turned off and the feed was discontinued.
We will be moving the receiver to a new temporary location in the coming days. We are already streaming data from that site. For that reason, you will note that this page still shows “Online.” However, there will be no audio until the receiver has been relocated. We hope to have the receiver installed within the next few days at which time the audio will return. The coverage won’t be nearly as good as it has been from the previous location, but it won’t be terrible either.
We continue to work to find a new permanent location so that we can continue to serve our community of railroad enthusiasts. In the meantime, if there are any ham radio operators that would be willing to loan a directional VHF antenna to the cause, it would be very useful to help bolster reception at the temporary location. A 2 meter yagi or equivalent would be fine. Yes, we know there is a frequency difference, but since we are receive-only and this is a temporary installation it would be helpful nonetheless.
We would once again like to thank our site’s former owner and ham radio operator Brian Auker - N3JYD for hosting our receiver for the many, many years you all have enjoyed listening to the stream.
ADDITIONAL: On February 5th the antenna at our temporary receive site for the NS Harrisburg East Dispatcher has been replaced with a much better one. Fellow railfan and ham radio operator Dylan Beaty, KC3DVR donated the replacement antenna and it was installedFebruary 5th. While this temporary site will never equal the reception at our previous location, the coverage is much better with Dylan’s antenna! Thank you Dylan!
Stay tuned for more updates!
Dan Rapak - WA3ATV
Harrisburg Chapter - National Railway Historical Society