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Portland Area Fire and Rescue

US > Oregon > Multnomah (County) [Portland-Vancouver]

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 Portland Area Fire and Rescue

Portland Area Fire Rescue Dispatch, OPS-1 thru OPS-9, AV (Airport) Fire
Public Safety
118     Online


Feed Notes

Using a Uniden SDS200 to monitor Portland Fire & Rescue Tapout (Dispatch) OPS-1 thru OPS-6, including various cities in Multnomah County dispatched by Portland. Monitoring Portland P25 System

1809 Fire Tapout (Dispatch)  Dispatch
283 OPS-1 Single Company Calls
285 OPS-2 2nd Fire in Portland
287 OPS-3 Portland Fireground
289 OPS-4 Gresham Fireground
291 OPS-5 Rsvd for Grehsam/Corbett major calls 2nd choice
293 OPS-6 Pin-Ins, Rollovers and Marine Incidents
295 OPS-7 SERT Coordination
95 OPS-8 Radio Bridge to Simplex 3
97 OPS-9 Special Events
1545 AV FIRE PDX Airport Fire Dispatch
1547 AV FIRE TAC-1 PDX Airport Fire Tac-1


             EMS Codes from

AB3        Abdominal complaint/vomiting with signs of shock
BR3        Breathing problem with no other symptoms
BR1        Breathing problems with signs of shock or unable to talk or turning blue
CH3        Chest pains with only one other symptom (i.e. chest pains and nausea)
CH1        Chest pains with 2 or more of assorted symptoms
DR1        Drowning with victim unconsious and difficulty or not breathing
DR3        Person not drowned but was under water but been brought back
BU3        Burn victim up to 18% burns on non vital areas (i.e. legs arms) or sunburn, etc
BU1        Burn victim with over 18% body covered regardless of area
BE3        Behaviorial problem with a stated medical need to respond along with police
DI3         Diabetic problem not yet unconscious or severely affected yet
DI1         Person going into diabetic coma, noted behaviorial change leaning to violence
EL3        Electrical shock
EL1        Severe shock by electrical device with other symptoms
EY3        Foreign object in eye (mace counts here) which is non penetrating
EY1        Same as above but object is penetrating
FA3        Person fell, still down, unknown status
FA1        Fall more than 20 feet with no known traumatic injuries (if obvious or stated                                                           i                                   injuries this becomes a trauma)
BK3       Non traumatic back injury in patient over 40, or unable to move for unknown                
BL3       Bleeding and unable to control
AS3       Assault victim
AS1       This is reserved for victims of gunshot wounds, cuttings, or rapes
HE3       This is the worse headache patient ever had
HC3        Heat or cold problems
HC1        Same as above but also unconscious
IN3        Inhalation incident (like in ammonia and bleach mixing or that sort of thing)
MN9        Man down; usually used for detox wagon
SK3        Sick person meeting triage criteria for code 3 response from ALS ambulance  
               usually only showing signs of shock and unable to fit any other code
ST3        Stroke
TR3        Traumatic; injury to possible or non critical area
TR1        Traumatic injury to critical area or to possibly critical area with other symptoms
TA9        Multi-vehicle accident; fire only to check
TA3        Injury accident
TA1        Same as above but additionally violent mechanism (if caller calls and says 
              head-on accident or pedestrian, motorcycle or bicycle involved we use this                                                                                               code,  or with a pin-in or rollover)
OD3       Overdose
OD1       Overdose and unconsious
UN3       Unable to rouse, but no other problems
UN1       Unconscious, not breathing or having difficulties
UK3       Unknown med problem as in "I dont know what is wrong someone just told me to call" type of deal