Columbia Police and Boone County Sheriff |
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Columbia Police and Boone County Sheriff Dedicated radio (Motorola Maxtrac) for Columbia PD and Boone County Sheriff. (main law, CPD 2, and Sheriff 2). This feed is sponsored by: University Place Apartments htt Status: 4/19/23 - Computer has been replaced 4/15/23 - Replacement computer has been ordered 2/3/21 - Audio restored (cable came disconnected from PC) |
Public Safety
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NOTE: Radios have been moved for roof work at UPA. Intermod problem appears to have been solved (splitter broke while being moved)
Columbia police channels 1 and 2. Channel 1 - 155.310 - Main Law (CPD 1, shared with BCSD) Channel 2 - 154.755 - City police ops
Boone county sheriff's channel 2.
Radio: Motorola Maxtrac
Antenna: Vertical Ground Plane
Notch Filter: PAR Electronics VHFSYM(152.69N/154-156P)
Height AGL: 45