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Seattle Fire

US > Washington > King (County) [Seattle-Tacoma]

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 Seattle Fire

All Seattle Fire Department (SFD) tactical radio channels
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Feed Notes

Seattle Fire Department LogoCity of Seattle Logo

Seattle Fire Department Radio

This feed scans Fire, Rescue, and EMS operations for the Seattle Fire Department.
This feed does not scan the dispatch channel. All active incidents are posted online.


Get the app. Save a life.

The Seattle Fire Department uses PulsePoint, a mobile app that enables local superheroes by sending instant alerts whenever CPR is needed nearby. This app allows anyone to quickly help someone who is in sudden cardiac arrest when seconds count before the fire department arrives. The app also displays a map of all active fire department incidents in the city. Get PulsePoint today!


Long periods of silence are normal. This feed is delayed from real-time by approximately 30 seconds.

System: Puget Sound Emergency Radio Network (PSERN) (Project 25 Phase II)
Site: West King County (800 MHz simulcast)
Receiving Equipment: Uniden BCD996P2 scanner connected via audio & data to a Windows server running ProScan

The Seattle Fire Department is dispatched by the SFD Fire Alarm Center (FAC). The primary 911 emergency communications center is the Seattle Community Safety and Communications Center (CSCC). The CSCC transfers 911 calls to the FAC for fire, rescue, and medical incidents.


Note: For privacy, some talkgroups including ambulance-to-hospital channels (Medcom) are intentionally omitted from this radio feed.

TABLE 1 - Seattle Fire Department, Zone 1 radio channels scanned on this feed:

Channel # Channel Name Talkgroup ID (not fully validated) Old KCERS Talkgroup ID
1 Full Response Fire Operations 103 1648
2 Fire/Rescue Operations 105 1680
3 Fire/Rescue Operations 107 1712
4 Automated Dispatch (not scanned) 109 1744
5 Dispatch 111 1776
6 Medical Operations 113 1808
7 Medical Operations 131 2096
8 Medic One Medcom (not scanned) 125 2000
9 AMR Ambulance Requests (not scanned) 123 1968
10 SFD Multipurpose (encrypted, not scanned)   2480
11 Incident Command for Channel 1 115 1840
12 Incident Command for Channel 2 117 1872
13 Incident Command for Channel 3 157 2512
14 Emergency Button Activation 133 2128
15 Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) 121 1936
16 Mayday Emergency Operations 119 1904

TABLE 2 - Seattle Fire Department common terminology:

Term What it Means
Code Red Respond with emergency lights & siren. Default response.
Code Yellow Respond without emergency lights & siren. A "code yellow rescue response" is usually an elevator rescue without injury.
Code Green Cancel response and return unit service.
Fire Response Typically an automatic fire alarm or reported small fire.
Full Response Reported structure fire or high-hazard fire. (1st alarm / 111)
Aid Response Basic Life Support (EMT level) medical incident.
Medic Response Advanced Life Support (Paramedic level) medical incident.
Med-6 Response Severe trauma incident, requiring at least six personnel.
Med-7 Response Cardiac arrest incident, requiring at least seven personnel. You can help too, with PulsePoint.
211 through 511 X11 indicates the number of alarms, so 511 is a 5-alarm fire. Additional resources are added for each alarm.
MCI Response Multiple Casualty Incident. Involves many patients.
RIT/RIG Rapid Intervention Team. A dedicated engine or ladder company standing by for firefighter rescue.
MDC/MDT Mobile Data Computer/Terminal. This is the computer in every apparatus that displays additional run information.
HMC Harborview Medical Center. The level one trauma center for Washington, located on First Hill.
C&C Request for cops (law enforcement officers) and a coroner for a deceased patient investigation.
FAC The Fire Alarm Center is the dispatch center for the Seattle Fire Department. It is near Fire Station 10 and the Seattle Emergency Operations Center.

Typical Dispatch Order of Events:

  1. Computer-aided dispatch on Channel 4 (not scanned on this feed), along with fire station alert and digital pager alert.
    [12:15 hours: Fire response on channel 2. Engine 18, 9, Ladder 8, Battalion 4. 5427 Russell Avenue Northwest. Cross of Northwest Market Street and 20 Avenue Northwest.]
  2. When the first-due unit is responding, the dispatcher addresses the primary first-due unit on the response channel
    [Engine 18: Fire response. 5427 Russell Avenue Northwest.]
  3. The first-due unit acknowledges that they're responding and repeats the address.
    [Engine 18, 5427 Russell Avenue Northwest.]
  4. The dispatcher addresses the first-due units of other unit types. The units acknowledge that they're responding.
    [Ladder 8.], [Ladder 8 OK.], [Battalion 4.], [Battalion 4 OK.]
  5. The dispatcher describes the incident in greater detail (this is known as "the chute").
    [This is for a report of smoke inside the Hi-Life restaurant, floor 1. Building alarm indicates smoke in room 112.]
  6. Upon arrival, the first-in unit describes conditions, actions, and needs.
    [Engine 18 on-scene. Nothing visible; investigating. Evacuation in progress. Engine 18 establishing Russell Command.]
  7. The dispatcher acknowledges the update.
    [OK Engine 18. Nothing visible, evacuation in progress. Engine 18 is Russell Command.]

Questions about this feed? I'm happy to answer any questions you may have! Contact Broadcaster