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Cowley County Fire

US > Kansas > Cowley (County)

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Cowley County Fire

This scanner is located in Udall, KS and is a Radio Shack Pro-164. Channels being scanned are the Cowley County Fire Dispatch as well as all of the OPS channels. It also scan's Mulvane TAC 3, Sumner OPS 5 as well as Cowley EM 1.
Public Safety
3     Online


Feed Notes

Channel 1 453.300 Cowley County Fire/EMS Dispatch (County Wide)

Channel 2 453.100 Cowley County Fire OPS 1 (Dexter)

Channel 3 453.5375 Cowley County Fire OPS 2 (Atlanta)

Channel 4 460.0625 Cowley County Fire OPS 4 (Udall)

Channel 5 460.625 Cowley County Fire OPS 5 (Arkansas City)

Channel 6 453.6375 Cowley County Fire OPS 7 (Winfield)

Channel 7 453.575 Mulvane Fire/EMS TAC 3

Channel 8 453.975 Cowley County EM 1 (County Wide)

Channel 9 458.4375 Cowley County Fire TAC 15 (Winfield)