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London Fire and Public Works

Canada > Ontario > Middlesex (County)

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 London Fire and Public Works Public Safety
39   Online


Feed Notes


SYSTEM: London Public Safety

Site: 001 - City Centre (Central)


Talkgroups Monitored (in order of priority):

Fire - Station Alerting - TG: 432

Fire - TAC 1 - TG: 402

Fire - TAC 2 - TG: 403

Fire - TAC 3 - TG: 404

Fire - TAC 4 - TG: 405

Fire - TAC 5 - TG: 406

Fire - Hazmat - TG: 417

Fire - Dispatch - TG: 433

Interop - London Common 1 - TG: 1937

Interop - LIMS 1 - TG: 1939

Interop - LIMS 2 - TG: 1940

Public Works - Central - TG: 300

Public Works - Streets - TG: 304

Public Works - Traffic - TG: 305

Public Works - Parks - TG: 306

Public Works - Water/Sewer - TG: 307

Public Works - Solid Waste - TG: 308

Public Works - Facility - TG: 310

Police - Provincial Common - TG: 147

Police - Fleet Operations - TG: 163

Police - HQ Maintenance - TG: 164

Police - HQ Custodial - TG: 168


Talkgroups are streamed by priority above. Only the centre site in downtown London, Ontario is monitored. The software can monitor up to 6 simultaneous voice channels. If more than one is active, one will stream in it's entirety, followed by the second, then third and so on. (Sort of like a queue of radio traffic) If there is a lot of radio traffic, the delay between the call and you hearing it increases. This ensures you don't miss anything as different talkgroups are often talking over each other. 



-Windows 10 Pro, i5-3570S, 8GB Ram

-NESDR Nano 3 - 1 Control, 3 Voice Channels

-Nooelec NESDR Nano 2 - 1 Control, 3 Voice Channels


-Virtual Audio Cable

-Trunking Recorder 3.0.3967.7443

-Radiofeed 4.5