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Port Chester, Rye Brook and Rye Police

US > New York > Westchester (County) [New York City]

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Port Chester, Rye Brook and Rye Police

Port Chester, Rye, and Rye Brook have transitioned to a digital feed run by MTA HQ's are: "908" - short for Port Chester's call sign: KEB908. "266" - short for Rye's call sign: KEB266. Rye Brook doesn't use their call sign. Car numbers 50 and up are Po

Status: Port Chester, Rye, and Rye Brook have transitioned to a digital feed run by MTA
Public Safety
0   Deleted


Feed Notes

HQ's are: "908" - short for Port Chester's call sign: KEB908. "266" - short for Rye's call sign: KEB266. Rye Brook doesn't use their call sign. Car numbers 50 and up are Port Chester's. Car numbers 40-49 are Rye Brook's. Other car numbers are Rye's