Sacramento Regional Radio Communications System (SRRCS) P25

Talkgroups Seen in the past 24 Hours - Times are in CT
TG Seen Display Description Service
3 2024-09-09T18:24:57-05:00 AIR SMF PM Maint SMF People Mover Maintenance Public Works
5 2024-09-09T23:55:36-05:00 AIR SMF Landside SMF Landside Operations Public Works
465 2024-09-09T09:50:48-05:00 LRCC EVENT 3 Event 3 Schools
819 2024-09-09T16:08:31-05:00 SPD E CCAT Police Career Criminal Apprehension Team Law Tac
1173 2024-09-09T13:43:27-05:00 CDCR FAT TAC Fugitive Apprehension Team Tac Corrections
1245 2024-09-09T23:56:34-05:00 UCD PD PATROL 1 Police Patrol 1 Law Dispatch
1265 2024-09-09T23:57:01-05:00 UCD PD PSO Police Protective Service Officers Law Talk
1267 2024-09-09T19:27:36-05:00 UCD PD AG HOST 1 Police Aggie Hosts 1 Law Talk
1275 2024-09-09T10:38:11-05:00 UCD EMG Emergency Emergency Ops
1283 2024-09-09T22:55:08-05:00 UCD FD DSP Fire Dispatch (tones simulcast on 160.065 Fire Gold) Fire Dispatch
1403 2024-09-09T23:53:14-05:00 YOL SVC Yolobus Service Transportation
1405 2024-09-09T23:27:40-05:00 YOL COM Yolobus Common Transportation
1407 2024-09-09T20:57:30-05:00 YOL SPV Yolobus Supervisors Transportation
1447 2024-09-09T23:55:55-05:00 UCDMC ED 1 Emergency Department 1 Schools
1449 2024-09-09T23:56:56-05:00 UCDMC ED 2 Emergency Department 2 Schools
1465 2024-09-09T23:44:26-05:00 UCDMC POM DISP Plant Operations and Maintenance Dispatch Schools
1469 2024-09-09T17:07:48-05:00 UCDMC POM HAV Plant Operations and Maintenance HVAC Schools
1479 2024-09-09T16:03:43-05:00 UCDMC POM PM Plant Operations and Maintenance Preventative Maintenance Schools
1481 2024-09-09T21:55:15-05:00 UCDMC POM CENT Plant Operations and Maintenance Central Plant Schools
1499 2024-09-09T23:33:51-05:00 UCDMC PKG DISP Parking Dispatch Schools
1501 2024-09-09T23:55:53-05:00 UCDMC PKG SUPV Parking Supervisors Schools
1503 2024-09-09T23:54:25-05:00 UCDMC PKG ENFR Parking Enforcement Schools
1599 2024-09-09T23:31:43-05:00 DPD DSP1 Police Dispatch 1 Law Dispatch
1627 2024-09-09T23:27:40-05:00 DFD DSP1 Fire Dispatch 1 (tones simulcast on 154.370 Fire Blue) Fire Dispatch
1681 2024-09-09T14:52:19-05:00 DEOC OPS EOC Operations Emergency Ops
2763 2024-09-09T16:02:55-05:00 SRRCS ETAC 3 System Wide Encrypted Tac 3 Law Tac
2777 2024-09-09T05:50:07-05:00 SRRCS ETAC 10 System Wide Encrypted Tac 10 Law Tac
2821 2024-09-09T23:57:22-05:00 GLT PD1 Police Dispatch Law Dispatch
2837 2024-09-09T23:57:16-05:00 RMCSD SEC Security Security
2877 2024-09-09T23:24:59-05:00 FLCPD PD Tac 1 Police Tac 1 Law Tac
2901 2024-09-09T23:48:01-05:00 AIR SMF BH 1 SMF Baggage 1 Public Works
2913 2024-09-09T18:11:48-05:00 RC CE1 Code Enforcement 1 Public Works
2935 2024-09-09T11:46:26-05:00 CDCR FAT 1 Fugitive Apprehension Team 1 Corrections
2941 2024-09-09T22:00:43-05:00 EGUSD PD Police Dispatch Law Dispatch
2949 2024-09-09T19:46:26-05:00 EGUSD TRANS1 Transportation 1 Schools
2951 2024-09-09T19:14:41-05:00 EGUSD TRANS2 Transportation 2 Schools
2953 2024-09-09T18:36:37-05:00 EGUSD TRANS3 Transportation 3 Schools
2955 2024-09-09T19:50:53-05:00 EGUSD TRANS4 Transportation 4 Schools
2979 2024-09-09T16:50:35-05:00 FD TAC B6 Tac B6 Fire-Tac
2991 2024-09-09T17:57:53-05:00 C PRB FIELD2 Probation - Field Ops Secondary Law Tac
2993 2024-09-09T23:37:49-05:00 C PRB YDF3 Probation - Youth Detention Facility 3 Corrections
3009 2024-09-09T23:49:35-05:00 AIR SMF OPS SMF Operations Public Works
3013 2024-09-09T15:20:42-05:00 AIR SMF FIRE SMF Fire Fire-Tac
3035 2024-09-09T23:53:12-05:00 CH PD 1 Police Dispatch Law Dispatch
3037 2024-09-09T23:57:21-05:00 CH PD 2 Police Ch. 2 Law Tac
3039 2024-09-09T16:08:45-05:00 CH PD T1 Police Tactical 1 Law Tac
3077 2024-09-09T23:33:48-05:00 C PRKS RNGR Rangers Dispatch Law Dispatch
3087 2024-09-09T19:07:18-05:00 C RTP INT Regional Treatment Plant - Interceptor O and M Utilities
3099 2024-09-09T23:55:26-05:00 C RTP T4 Regional Treatment Plant - Tac 4 Utilities
3165 2024-09-09T22:29:21-05:00 C AC DSP Animal Control - Dispatch Public Works
3179 2024-09-09T14:53:58-05:00 S CODE1 Planning and Community Development - Ch 1 Public Works
3209 2024-09-09T11:43:16-05:00 C PRB YDF2 Probation - Youth Detention Facility 2 Corrections
3211 2024-09-09T21:24:54-05:00 C PRB YDF1 Probation - Youth Detention Facility 1 Corrections
3231 2024-09-09T18:01:28-05:00 C SECUR Security Security
3239 2024-09-09T23:38:30-05:00 C COMM1 County Communications Center 1 Public Works
3251 2024-09-09T15:49:14-05:00 C PLMBER Plumbers Public Works
3253 2024-09-09T23:14:25-05:00 C SE DT Stationary Engineers - Downtown Public Works
3269 2024-09-09T22:41:03-05:00 C WR MECH Water Resources - Mechanical Utilities
3277 2024-09-09T23:54:25-05:00 EG PD 1 Police Dispatch Law Dispatch
3279 2024-09-09T16:52:23-05:00 EG PD 2 Police Ch 2 Law Tac
3325 2024-09-09T23:56:31-05:00 FD DSP A Dispatch A (simulcast on 154.190 MHz) Fire Dispatch
3327 2024-09-09T23:49:04-05:00 FD CMD A2 Command A2 Fire-Talk
3335 2024-09-09T19:25:31-05:00 FD TAC A6 Tac A6 Fire-Tac
3337 2024-09-09T14:03:06-05:00 FD TAC A7 Tac A7 Fire-Tac
3417 2024-09-09T13:08:46-05:00 FD CMD T2 Command T2 Fire-Talk
3419 2024-09-09T12:55:31-05:00 FD CMD T3 Command T3 Fire-Talk
3445 2024-09-09T23:55:48-05:00 FOL PD1 Police Dispatch Law Dispatch
3449 2024-09-09T07:35:31-05:00 FOL PD T1 Police Tac 1 Law Tac
3503 2024-09-09T23:55:31-05:00 TRUSD PD Police Dispatch Law Dispatch
3505 2024-09-09T08:07:29-05:00 TRUSD PD T1 Police Tac 1 Law Tac
3527 2024-09-09T23:26:43-05:00 H MGH Mercy General EMS-Tac
3533 2024-09-09T23:51:51-05:00 H MSJ Mercy San Juan EMS-Tac
3539 2024-09-09T15:20:52-05:00 H VMC VA Medical Center EMS-Tac
3545 2024-09-09T23:15:59-05:00 LRCC PD DSP Police Dispatch Law Dispatch
3555 2024-09-09T19:11:45-05:00 LRCC PD T2 Police Tac 2 Law Tac
3565 2024-09-09T21:24:56-05:00 RT BUS TRAN1 Bus Transportation 1 Transportation
3569 2024-09-09T17:03:41-05:00 RT BUS MNT1 Bus Maintenance 1 Transportation
3571 2024-09-09T23:33:20-05:00 RT BUS TRAN2 Bus Transportation 2 Transportation
3577 2024-09-09T23:56:57-05:00 RT LR TRAN1 Light Rail Transportation 1 Transportation
3579 2024-09-09T21:20:00-05:00 RT LR SUP1 Light Rail Supervision 1 Transportation
3581 2024-09-09T23:21:21-05:00 RT LR MNT1 Light Rail Maintenance 1 Transportation
3585 2024-09-09T22:19:53-05:00 RT LR TRAN2 Light Rail Transportation 2 Transportation
3593 2024-09-09T21:29:15-05:00 RT CBS Community Bus Service Transportation
3597 2024-09-09T12:54:42-05:00 RT CBS MNT Community Bus Service Maintenance Transportation
3599 2024-09-09T23:50:19-05:00 RT PT TRAN Paratransit Transportation Transportation
3601 2024-09-09T12:05:48-05:00 RT PT SUP Paratransit Supervision Transportation
3605 2024-09-09T23:47:23-05:00 RT POL1 Police Dispatch Law Dispatch
3611 2024-09-09T22:36:09-05:00 S 311 City Operator Public Works
3613 2024-09-09T16:55:50-05:00 S WATER Water Distribution Utilities
3617 2024-09-09T16:57:06-05:00 S SEWER C Sewer Collection Utilities
3621 2024-09-09T18:12:42-05:00 S DRNAGE Drainage Public Works
3623 2024-09-09T09:16:30-05:00 S UTIL EOC Utility Department - EOC Utilities
3625 2024-09-09T10:14:34-05:00 S UTIL T1 Utility Department - Tac 1 Utilities
3629 2024-09-09T14:11:18-05:00 S UTIL T3 Utility Department - Tac 3 Utilities
3631 2024-09-09T10:42:36-05:00 S UTIL T4 Utility Department - Tac 4 Utilities
3647 2024-09-09T16:38:13-05:00 S TRF SIGN Traffic Signs Public Works
3649 2024-09-09T13:06:20-05:00 S STREETS Street Maintenance Public Works
3657 2024-09-09T18:47:42-05:00 S REFCOL Refuse Collection Public Works
3659 2024-09-09T16:12:18-05:00 S GARREF Garden Refuse Public Works
3661 2024-09-09T19:36:40-05:00 S SOLIDWSTE Solid Waste Public Works
3671 2024-09-09T23:41:16-05:00 S PARKING Parking Control Public Works
3673 2024-09-09T16:13:29-05:00 S TREES Tree Services Public Works
3677 2024-09-09T17:20:45-05:00 S PLNTSVCS Plant Services Public Works
3703 2024-09-09T23:46:59-05:00 FD DSP B Dispatch B (simulcast on 153.890 MHz) Fire Dispatch
3705 2024-09-09T23:44:53-05:00 FD CMD B2 Command B2 Fire-Talk
3715 2024-09-09T17:58:24-05:00 FD TAC B7 Tac B7 Fire-Tac
3717 2024-09-09T16:18:39-05:00 FD TAC B8 Tac B8 Fire-Tac
3719 2024-09-09T15:44:17-05:00 FD TAC B9 Tac B9 Fire-Tac
3739 2024-09-09T22:05:07-05:00 RT ETRAN DSP Elk Grove Transit Dispatch Transportation
3741 2024-09-09T20:29:31-05:00 RT ETRAN SPV Elk Grove Transit Supervisors Transportation
3769 2024-09-09T23:44:36-05:00 SPD 1 Police Dispatch North Law Dispatch
3771 2024-09-09T23:52:34-05:00 SPD 2 Police Tactical Law Tac
3773 2024-09-09T23:55:17-05:00 SPD 3 Police Dispatch Central Law Dispatch
3775 2024-09-09T23:41:18-05:00 SPD 4 Police Dispatch South Law Dispatch
3817 2024-09-09T09:21:10-05:00 SPD INV1 Police Investigations 1 Law Talk
3845 2024-09-09T23:54:01-05:00 SPD ARENA 1 Police Arena Events 1 (Golden 1 Center Security) Law Talk
3847 2024-09-09T23:57:26-05:00 SSD 1 Sheriff Dispatch 1 North Law Dispatch
3849 2024-09-09T23:53:24-05:00 SSD 2 Sheriff Dispatch 2 East Law Dispatch
3851 2024-09-09T23:49:33-05:00 SSD 3 Sheriff Dispatch 3 South Law Dispatch
3853 2024-09-09T23:54:06-05:00 SSD 4 Sheriff Dispatch 4 Rancho Cordova Law Dispatch
3857 2024-09-09T20:16:21-05:00 SSD 6 Sheriff Airport Bureau Law Dispatch
3859 2024-09-09T16:28:02-05:00 SSD 7 Sheriff Juvenile Courthouse Corrections
3861 2024-09-09T20:11:45-05:00 SSD 8 Sheriff Security Services Law Tac
3865 2024-09-09T18:38:31-05:00 SSD 10 Sheriff Special Events Law Tac
3927 2024-09-09T21:47:56-05:00 SSD SC1 Sheriff Security/Corrections 1 Corrections
3929 2024-09-09T18:52:31-05:00 SSD SC2 Sheriff Security/Corrections 2 Corrections
3951 2024-09-09T15:19:49-05:00 SSD TRNG1 Sheriff Training 1 (DTRF) Law Talk
3975 2024-09-09T20:35:08-05:00 FSP Dispatch Public Works
3979 2024-09-09T15:01:12-05:00 SRRCS STAC 9 System Wide Tac 9 Interop
3987 2024-09-09T13:03:42-05:00 SRRCS STAC 13 System Wide Tac 13 Interop
4013 2024-09-09T22:25:54-05:00 WSFD DSP E Fire Dispatch E (tones simulcast on 154.445 Fire Green) Fire Dispatch
4041 2024-09-09T13:19:39-05:00 WS PW1 Public Works 1 Public Works
4059 2024-09-09T23:35:40-05:00 WS PD1 Police Dispatch Law Dispatch
4061 2024-09-09T01:45:53-05:00 WS PD2 Police Channel 2 (special ops / special events) Law Tac
4067 2024-09-09T23:16:50-05:00 WS PD T1 Police Tac 1 Law Tac
8322 2024-09-09T19:23:27-05:00
57045 2024-09-09T18:19:38-05:00
57056 2024-09-09T15:43:16-05:00