Monroe/Ontario Counties

Talkgroups Seen in the past 24 Hours - Times are in CT
TG Seen Display Description Service
0 2024-11-14T17:11:11-06:00
1001 2024-11-14T17:16:31-06:00 ROC Ops 1 Operations 1 (link to 155.415) Public Works
1002 2024-11-14T17:16:09-06:00 ROC Maintenance Maintenance Public Works
1003 2024-11-14T16:00:26-06:00 ROC Ops 2 Operations 2 Public Works
1006 2024-11-14T13:21:56-06:00 ROC ARFF ARFF (link to 155.715) Fire Dispatch
1025 2024-11-14T14:56:33-06:00 MC Sewers "690" Sewers "690" Public Works
1027 2024-11-14T13:39:47-06:00 PureWaters Ops Pure Waters Field Operations Public Works
1031 2024-11-14T13:33:15-06:00 PW VL Plant Pure Waters VanLare Waste Treatment Plant Public Works
1044 2024-11-14T13:29:26-06:00 MC DOT Ops 4 Operations 4 Public Works
1047 2024-11-14T10:09:12-06:00 MC Pavement Mark Pavement Marking Crew Public Works
1072 2024-11-14T18:00:14-06:00 RochesterFD Ops2 Fire Ops 2 - Primary Working (link to Ch 2 154.130) Fire-Tac
1073 2024-11-14T13:21:07-06:00 RochesterFD Ops3 Fire Ops 3 - Secondary Working (link to Ch 3 154.250) Fire-Tac
1074 2024-11-14T18:22:21-06:00 RFD Alert Station Alert (link to 154.385) Data
1077 2024-11-14T18:28:42-06:00 MC EMS Dispatch Countywide EMS Dispatch EMS Dispatch
1097 2024-11-14T13:02:25-06:00 MC Sec Event Tac Facilities Security Event Tac Security
1135 2024-11-14T18:23:17-06:00 MC Sec Primary Facilities Security Primary Security
1136 2024-11-14T08:23:43-06:00 MC Sec Tac W Facilities Security Tac West Security
1143 2024-11-14T16:39:28-06:00 MC Sec 8 Facilities Security 8 Security
1151 2024-11-14T16:37:02-06:00 SenPkZoo Ops 1 Zoo Operations Primary Public Works
1177 2024-11-14T18:11:13-06:00 MCH Security Hospital Security Security
1178 2024-11-14T14:33:37-06:00 MCH Orderlies Hospital Orderlies Hospital
1200 2024-11-14T15:41:44-06:00 MC CW Interop Countywide Interop Interop
1231 2024-11-14T17:31:32-06:00 DOT HELP Trucks NYS HELP Trucks Public Works
1240 2024-11-14T18:25:15-06:00 MCC Pub Safety Public Safety Law Dispatch
1241 2024-11-14T13:46:42-06:00 MCC Brighton TA Brighton Campus Talkaround Law Tac
1262 2024-11-14T16:34:58-06:00 RGRTA Buses 1 Regional Transit Service - Buses 1 Transportation
1263 2024-11-14T17:58:39-06:00 RGRTA Buses 2 Regional Transit Service - Buses 2 Transportation
1264 2024-11-14T18:30:06-06:00 RGRTA Buses 3 Regional Transit Service - Buses 3 Transportation
1265 2024-11-14T18:18:22-06:00 RGRTA Lift Line1 Regional Transit Service - Lift Line 1 Transportation
1268 2024-11-14T18:17:16-06:00 RGRTA Supervisor Regional Transit Service - Supervisors Transportation
1269 2024-11-14T18:26:54-06:00 RGRTA Operations Regional Transit Service - Transit Center Operations Transportation
1453 2024-11-13T20:08:05-06:00 MC FD Batt 1 Trn Training Fire-Talk
1455 2024-11-13T20:31:20-06:00 Pt Pleasant FD Point Pleasant FD Fire-Talk
1607 2024-11-14T17:28:25-06:00 Gates FD Disp Gates FD Dispatch Fire Dispatch
1654 2024-11-14T18:21:28-06:00 Henrietta FD Dsp Henrietta FD Dispatch Fire Dispatch
1704 2024-11-14T18:22:45-06:00 RochesterFD Ops1 Fire Ops 1 - Dispatch Fire Dispatch
1705 2024-11-14T12:06:01-06:00 RochesterFDOps80 Fire Ops 80 Fire-Tac
1752 2024-11-14T18:30:37-06:00 Monroe Amb Disp Monroe Ambulance Dispatch EMS Dispatch
1760 2024-11-14T18:29:06-06:00 AMR Dispatch AMR Dispatch EMS Dispatch
1769 2024-11-14T18:20:35-06:00 AMR VST AMR Vehicle Service Techs EMS-Talk
1806 2024-11-14T18:11:56-06:00 MC FD Ops 8 EPri Ops 8 - East Primary Fire-Tac
1807 2024-11-14T17:09:20-06:00 MC FD Ops 9 ESec Ops 9 - East Secondary Fire-Tac
1808 2024-11-14T18:25:17-06:00 MC FD Ops 6 WPri Ops 6 - West Primary Fire-Tac
1811 2024-11-14T18:30:34-06:00 MC FD Ops 5 Disp Ops 5 - Dispatch Fire Dispatch
1817 2024-11-13T23:47:49-06:00 MC FD Ops 10 Cmd Ops 10 Command Fire-Tac
1859 2024-11-13T18:39:14-06:00 MC EMS Ops W EMS Ops West EMS-Tac
1887 2024-11-14T18:25:52-06:00 CHS EMS CHS Mobile Integrated Healthcare EMS Dispatch
1894 2024-11-13T20:47:19-06:00 RIT EMS RIT Ambulance EMS-Talk
2020 2024-11-14T05:25:20-06:00 RPD SIS Police Special Investigations Law Tac
2021 2024-11-14T17:19:13-06:00 RPD Patrol Ch. 1 Police Patrol Ch. 1 (Lake Section) Law Tac
2022 2024-11-14T15:43:23-06:00 RPD Patrol Ch. 2 Police Patrol Ch. 2 Law Tac
2031 2024-11-14T11:57:54-06:00 RPD CIS 2 Police Investigations 2 Law Tac
2115 2024-11-14T13:40:31-06:00 MC Law A Zone A Zone Detail Law Tac
2116 2024-11-14T18:30:54-06:00 MC Law B Zone B Zone Detai Law Tac
2118 2024-11-13T20:54:35-06:00 MCSO Event 1 Sheriff Event 1 Law Tac
2140 2024-11-14T12:27:08-06:00 MC Humane Soc PD Humane Society Police Tac Law Tac
2221 2024-11-14T18:06:31-06:00 Webster PD Tac Police Tac Law Tac
2311 2024-11-14T17:10:10-06:00 MC PSTF 1 Training Facility 1 Multi-Talk
2312 2024-11-13T20:58:23-06:00 MC PSTF 2 Training Facility 2 Multi-Talk
2313 2024-11-13T19:28:18-06:00 MC PSTF 3 Training Facility 3 Multi-Talk
2402 2024-11-14T18:20:58-06:00 RPD East Disp Police East Dispatch Law Dispatch
2403 2024-11-14T18:24:45-06:00 RPD West Disp Police West Dispatch Law Dispatch
2404 2024-11-14T18:30:06-06:00 RPD East Admin Police East Admin Law Talk
2405 2024-11-14T18:26:21-06:00 RPD West Admin Police West Admin Law Talk
2407 2024-11-14T14:42:19-06:00 RPD Records Police City Records Law Talk
2421 2024-11-14T18:30:46-06:00 MCSO Dispatch Sheriff Dispatch Law Dispatch
2422 2024-11-14T18:30:54-06:00 MCSO Admin East Sheriff East Administration Law Talk
2441 2024-11-14T18:24:26-06:00 MC Towns North Towns North Law Dispatch
2442 2024-11-14T18:25:04-06:00 MC Towns West Towns West Law Dispatch
2571 2024-11-14T10:05:15-06:00 SUNY Brockprt PD Police Law Dispatch
3001 2024-11-14T14:20:28-06:00 DeWitt ES 1 DeWitt Rd Elementary School Ch 1 Schools
3003 2024-11-14T13:09:30-06:00 Klem Rd N ES 1 Klem Rd North Elementary School Ch 1 Schools
3005 2024-11-14T13:23:12-06:00 Klem Rd S ES 1 Klem Rd South Elementary School Ch 1 Schools
3007 2024-11-14T13:11:08-06:00 Plank Rd N ES 1 Plank Rd North Elementary School Ch 1 Schools
3009 2024-11-14T13:28:01-06:00 Plank Rd S ES 1 Plank Rd South Elementary School Ch 1 Schools
3011 2024-11-14T13:24:44-06:00 Schlegel Rd ES 1 Schlegel Rd Elementary School Ch 1 Schools
3013 2024-11-14T14:26:22-06:00 State Rd ES 1 State Rd Elementary School Ch 1 Schools
3014 2024-11-14T15:28:35-06:00 State Rd ES 2 State Rd Elementary School Ch 2 Schools
3017 2024-11-14T16:32:56-06:00 Spry MS 1 Spry Middle School Ch 1 Schools
3018 2024-11-14T14:23:43-06:00 Spry MS 2 Spry Middle School Ch 2 Schools
3021 2024-11-14T13:16:39-06:00 WonderCare Trn 1 WonderCare Transportation Ch 1 Schools
3022 2024-11-14T13:23:23-06:00 WonderCare Trn 2 WonderCare Transportation Ch 2 Schools
3023 2024-11-14T18:11:49-06:00 Schroeder HS 1 Schroeder High School Ch 1 Schools
3027 2024-11-14T17:32:11-06:00 Willink MS 1 Willink Middle School Ch 1 Schools
3029 2024-11-14T11:41:55-06:00 Willink MS 3 Willink Middle School Ch 3 Schools
3042 2024-11-14T13:20:19-06:00 WCSD Bus Loading Bus Loading Schools
3048 2024-11-14T15:56:29-06:00 Webster CSD Bus Bus Dispatch Schools
3049 2024-11-14T15:56:55-06:00 Webster CSD Garg Bus Garage Schools
3070 2024-11-14T17:54:06-06:00 RIT Safety Ch. 1 Public Safety Ch. 1 Security
7001 2024-11-14T18:27:47-06:00 OCSO Dispatch Sheriff Dispatch Law Dispatch
7505 2024-11-14T14:58:56-06:00 Geneva PD Geneva Police Law Dispatch
7619 2024-11-14T10:57:45-06:00 ROPC Police Rochester Outpatient Center Police Law Dispatch
8001 2024-11-14T18:29:05-06:00 OC FD/EMS Disp Fire/EMS Dispatch Fire Dispatch
8084 2024-11-14T05:57:46-06:00 FingerLks EMS 1 Finger Lakes Ambulance 1 EMS-Tac
9711 2024-11-14T18:04:45-06:00 ROC Sheriff Ops Sheriff Airport Detail Law Dispatch